Perangkap setrum tikus yang bagus, efektif, bersih & cepat untuk membasmi tikus got & curut di rumah
!! NEW PRODUCT, NEW TECHNOLOGY !! - Basmi 50 Tikus / 12 Bulan STANDBY, memakai 4 "AA" ALKALINE BATTERY - atau - Basmi 100 Tikus, memakai 4 "AA" Energizer e2-LITHIUM BATTERY - SPARE PARTS Tersedia - LOWER PRICE

www.SetrumTikus.com / Google Search: 'Setrum Tikus'

Around the World Testimonial - 1 (of 7)

Halaman 1 (of 7). Kembali ke Halaman Utama.

19-08-2011, 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by K4TZK1N (KASKUS)
mantaaaapp gan....
barang dateng dalem 2 hari di samarinda...lebih cepat sehari dari yg dijanjikan...
begitu barang tiba langsung gw coba dengan make ikan asin yg barusan digoreng...
gak perlu waktu lama cuman 2 jam udah dapet yg ukuran sedang...

begitu udah dapet trus pasang lagi umpan baru...taro ditempat berbeda...
ternyata hasilnya

koq umpan gw ilang tapi kaga ada tikusnya???
usut punya usut ternyata gw lupa nyalain saklarnya....

bener2 kebukti nih alat meskipun udah ada korban satu tapi tikus masih mau masuk kedalem.,...
jadi saya nobatkan agan sebagai...
agan nya sopan dan nepatin janji dan mau memberikan masukan...
gw doain elu lebih sukses deh gan....

Salam dari samarinda....
MERDEKAAAAAA dari tikuuuusss....


10-08-2011, 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by jonny1010 (KASKUS)
Lapor gan.......

Barang udah nyampe di Curup-Bengkulu dengan selamat...

Pas sore nyampe tu alat langsung ane pasang selang satu jam dapet 1 tikus kecil
malang bener nasib tu tikus

Top Markotop dah untuk alat satu ini

Jadi kesimpulan nya jangan ragu beli barang ama agan Robby

Ane salut ama pelayanan agan satu ini udah pengirimannya cepat,
orangnya ramah pula ane tanya ini itu semua dijawab dengan sabar and sedikit humor
pasti agan robby waktu masih kecil cita-citanya mau jadi pelawak



03-08-2011, 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by kikiyanreza (KASKUS)
agan robby, ratzapper nya kemaren sore udah sampe, alhamdulillah bener sesuai janji ente sore dapet resi tiki besok nya sampe, malemnya udah dites, pagi ini udah kedip2 lampunya, curut sih tapi lumayan buat hari pertama, tengkyu gan ... pokoknya agan ini


14-11-2010, 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by yoyo1234 (KASKUS)
mo ngasi testi gan..
kurang lebih sebulan lalu gw terima paketnya, malam nya langsung gw tes..hasilnya maknyusss... langsung dapet...sampai dengan hari ini dah puluhan tikus terbantai dg berbagai macam jenis dan ukuran..akhirnya gudang nya sdh lumayan sterill heheehe...

tq gan..


25-09-2010, 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Iwan Muljadani (FACEBOOK)
Saya adalah korban alat pengusir tikus ultrasonik. Saya beli harga 300 ribuan, tp ternyata ga berhasil. Saya tau Rat Zapper dari Kaskus, saya beli scr online dari Bro Robby. Pelayanan cepat n yg saya suka itu layanan purna jualnya. Bro Robby ga cuma jualan lalu bye2, tp siap membantu dgn tips dan strategi. Hari pertama... dapet tikus kecil. Bbrp hari kemudian ga dapet, tapi saya lihat ada kotoran tikus di sudut tembok lain, padahal masih 1 ruangan. Saya pindahkan Rat Zappernya dan ... dapet tikus gede banget, buntutnya aja sekitar 20 cm. Kesimpulan saya:
1. tikus suka pindah2 trayek jalannya. Cari aja kotorannya dan pindahin Rat Zapper ke tempat yg ada kotorannya.
2. Rat Zapper oke banget, baik produknya maupun layanan purna jualnya. Bro Robby care banget ama customer. Bener2 RECOMMENDED PRODUCT and RECOMMENDED SELLER!!! So jangan ragu beli Rat Zapper ama bro Robby, terutama kalau Anda korban alat pengusir tikus ultrasonik seperti saya (:


25-09-2010, 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by sumpitkayu (KASKUS)
Seminggu ini saya pasang lagi ratzapper yang saya beli dari si agan. dapet 3 tikus gede. Cukup efektif nih alat buat bantu bunuh tikus. Recommended nih alat. Nanti saya rekomen in ke saudara2 dan teman2 saya.


25-09-2010, 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by kristian2005 (KASKUS)
Alo gan, sorry baru kasih testi :
Ane beli 2 buah Ratzapper Ultra, satu ane pake sendiri, satu buat babe.
Yang punya babe ada masalah, dan waktu ane tanya ke seller, supportnya sangat bagus, dengan jaminan tukar barang kalau benar-benar rusak. Setelah cek sana sini, baru ketauan masalah karena penggunaan memakai battere ABC biasa, setelah diganti alkaline lgs dipasang malam, paginya dapet korban 1 ekor tikus. Dan berturut-turut dapat tikus terus hampir selama seminggu.

Barang benar-benar top...dan untuk sellernya


21-09-2010, 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by aprihardhanto (KASKUS)
Sukses banget 7hari 6 tikus
Bung Robby saya yang COD (maksudnya: ambil sendiri) di Pinangsia seminggu kemaren , sukses banget barangnya , dan bener2 Ratzapper 7hari dapet 3tikus besar 3tikus medium , wah recomended bener ............. terima kasih paling ga populasi tikus di tempat saya mulai jarang


19-09-2010, 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by ekobudic (KASKUS)
Barang sudah datang
Trims, barang ratzapper sudah sy terima dengan baik. Pengepakan bungkus yang rapi dan kuat, gak akan pecah.

Setelah saya buka, malam langsung berburu, jam 11 malam pake umpan udang goreng kecil, stgh jam dapat 1 anak tikus sepanjang 6 cm, oalah...... cepet bener. Tikus sudah dalam kondisi tergeletak tanpa sempat mengeluarkan suara apapun. ck...ck....

Perburuan dilanjutkan, ditunggu2 sampe jam 1 gak ada yang terjebak, saat bangun tidur jam 4.30 pagi, lampu merah kompartemen ratzapper sudah menyala, terbukit ada satu korban lagi, sekarang saat kakak atau induknya dapat, sepanjang 12 cm sudah tergeletak tak bernyawa.
Besok dilanjutkan, ternyata belum dapat hasil alias, sementara area dalam kondisi " clear '..... Nunggu jika ada tanda2 kresek2 lagi, siap2 perburuan dilanjutkan kembali. Sekian testi dari saya.

saya puas, walaupun dengan harga yang cukup mahal, tapi saya mendapatkan hasil yang sangat memuaskan. Seperti biasanya selalu memakai Lem tikus dan Racun tikur/babi. Tikus sangat lihai dan tidak mudah untuk memakan ataupun terjebak dalam lem tikus. Sudah pinter kali ya...??? tapi buat RATZAPPER yang satu ini, ternyata tikus masih bodoh, dan dapat terperdaya. Tikus dirumah kadang2 datang dari rumah/luar, sehingga sering kayu,dinding almari,kadang mesin cuci, baju dirusak semua sama bangsa yang satu ini yaitu TIKUS. Sudah saatnya kita harus melawan dan menghabisi makhluk satu ini yang bernama TIKUS. Trims atas barangnya

Recommended Seller, dan Barang gak akan nyesel


07-09-2010, 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by einst3in (KASKUS)
barang sampai H+1
dapet tikus 1 (30 menit setelah install)!!
Setelah ini, setting lagi dengan umpan baru (udang) dan 15 menit kemudian,


GILE LU.......


Semoga hari ini bisa 20 tikus ketangkap .....hahahahhaha.....


Bahkan step by step by sms tetap dilayani....


04-09-2010, 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by bestfooker (KASKUS)
ah si bos si parah, masa baru 2 jam pasang, tikus penghuni dapur gw dah mati, kan ga seru hahaha

barangnya top bgt dah bos!!! ga perlu ttuh infra sonik ultra sonik ga jelas!!!


31-08-2010, 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by sasid (KASKUS)
Pengembalian discount promo dah masuk boss, thanks berat yah.
WARNING !! Bos satu ini selalu menjawab pertanyaan dg ramah, selalu menanyakan keadaan barang yg telah dibeli, dan yang paling penting : AMAT SANGAT BISA DIPERCAYA

Dengan ciri2 tersebut bos ini termasuk species :




27-08-2010, 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by huahahahahaha (KASKUS)
tadi malam sukses membantai 1 korban. ^_^

barang datang kmrn malam, lgs muter2 cari batery
ketemunya batery kucing kesetrum petir.
ya udah, pasang aja buat coba. ^_^

Pagi2 dapat 1 deh, ntar malam pasang lagi. ^_^


20-08-2010, 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by sasid (KASKUS)
Awalnya sempat ragu2, coz rumah deket sawah, tahu khan: tikusnya macho2 sih, hehehehe.....tapi juragan ratzapper bisa kasi jaminan kalo mesin ini tdk pilih kasih dlm mengekskusi. Ya uda pesen 1 unit.
Siang alatnya datang, malam perdana langsung beraksi, pagi2 dah ada korban yang jatuh, heheehehehe.....

Pokoke untuk juragan yg satu ini :



08-17-2010, 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by helenhuihui (KASKUS)
Sorry bos baru kasih testi. Yang pasti RECOMMENDED SELLER dah belum 2 hari udah kena 2 ekor tikus.


06-08-2010, 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by sumpitkayu (KASKUS)
Testi dari saya gan.

Wah ini alat bener2 mantap. Beli ama bro robby, dikirim paket Tiki ONS tapi dasar Tikinya lelet, 2 hari baru sampe. Bukan salah bro robby yang dah cepet kirim nya.

Begitu sampe, saya bongkar paketnya and baca petunjuknya. Petunjuk2 nya ada dalam 2 bahasa, Inggris dan Indonesia. Jadi enak bacanya.

Setelah pulang kerja, langsung beli batere D 4 buah. Dibukunya ditulis kudu pake alkaline. Tapi nyari di toko deket rumah gak ada batre D alkaline. Akhirnya beli batre ABC Super Extra Heavy Duty (yang warna hitam). Di bukunya sih dibilang gak bisa pake batre Super Heavy Duty seperti ini. Tapi mau nyari dimana batre D alkaline. Akhirnya nekat aja beli batre ABC hitam.

Malem nya sekitar jam 12 malem saya pasang deh tuh batre ke Rat Zapper, trus teken switch ke ON. Lampu hijau nyala selama 1-2 detik trus mati lagi. Sempet kaget jangan2 rusak. Soalnya kirain kalo lagi ON lampu hijau nya nyala terus. Mau test masukin tangan sendiri ke Rat Zapper takut kesetrum nanti mati lagi. Akhirnya baca lagi manualnya. Ternyata emang lampu hijaunya kedip sekali aja. Wewww... ampir nyetrum diri sendiri. :P

Di off in dulu buat pasang umpan. Ambil kerupuk ikan, patahin jadi kecil2. Masukin potongan kerupuk ke bagian paling dalam Rat Zapper nya. Terus saya letakkan Rat Zapper nya di tempat yang sering saya liat tikus. Di mulut Rat Zapper nya saya letakkan juga potongan kerupuk kecil2. Trus saya on in lagi deh alatnya dan saya tinggal tidur. Tadi pagi jam 6 saya bangun, saya langsung liat Rat Zappernya. Lampu merah nya kedip2. Wooohooooooo... Saya liat ada tikus 1 dah mati di dalem. Saking gedenya tuh tikus, pantat tikusnya masih sisa di luar Rat Zapper. Ajigile nih tikus gede amat. Menurut manualnya, buang tikus matinya gampang, tinggal dimiringin Rat Zappernya, ntar bangkai tikusnya jatuh sendiri keluar. Saya coba2 kok gak turun2. Lengket gitu bangkai tikusnya di dalam Rat Zapper. Akhirnya saya tarik aja ekor nya. Rada keras sedikit. Tapi gak susah sih. Pake tenaga dikit languns lepas tuh bangkai. Sudah kaku, ekornya aja sampe keras. Kirain lemes.

Bener2 bagus nih alat, ntar malem hunting tikus2 bedebah lagi. Moga2 dapet lagi. hehehe


24-07-2010, 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by morganrichie (KASKUS)
Ane udah terima barangnya, cepet bgt nyampe Manado.
Baru naruh 15 menit, udah dapet 1.. Malang bener nasibmu kus..
Alat ini hebat, ga bau, ga kotor, ga nyusahin.. Sesuai marketingnya.. pokoknya Markotop deh..
Sejak ane declare war ama tikus2 (bayangin kabel2 ane aja diembat), harga segitu worthed la...


23-07-2010, 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by iponk1322 (KASKUS)
sori baru ngasih testi gan,
sy yg pesen Ratzapper di Cilandak Barat kmrn itu.. alatnya sukses berat gan.. dipasangin batere Duracell Alkaline dan ikan asin kering, ga nyampe setengah jam langsung makan korban tikus kecil.. 3 hari yg lalu malah rekor.. sehari dapet 3 tikus kecil dan 1 tikus sedang.. ga nyampe seminggu udah berkurang 7 ekor tikus dirumah ane..

sekadar cerita, ane udah lama nih nyari barang ini gan.. tadinya karena dikira ga ada yg jual di Indo, mau nyoba beli langsung dr UK via internet (toko yg di US ga mau ngirim ke Indonesia).. waktu itu ngitung2 totalnya 800ribuan..
eh, ternyata ada yg jual di Indo, tadinya taunya yg jual cuma di jaringan Pet Shop yg ada cabangnya di fX, eX dan PIM2 itu gan.. disana harganya 550ribu..
Eh lagi, di kaskus ada yg jual lebih murah, langsung nyampe rumah pula!
makasih ya gan..
sekian ceritanya gan.. hihihi..

semoga makin sukses dagangannya!

pokoknya agan Robby ini bener-bener yang jual barang TOB MARKOTOB!!


11-07-2010, 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Amantie (KASKUS)
barang bagus sepandan dengan harganya... dan efektif sekali!!
ini baru namanya menyelesaikan problem tikus dirumah, saya tidak repot & problem tikus selesai

wah keliatannya ada banyak yang kecewa ama alat ultrasound ya (termasuk saya), mungkin tikus-tikusnya pada pakai tutup kuping... hehehe

thank you ya gan telah membantu membasmi tikus
bantu sundul gan, biar kaskuser sama-sama membasmi tikus dimuka bumi indonesia


23-06-2010, 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by joko_tri (KASKUS)
Gan lapor Gan....

Paketan RatZapper udah diterima di tangan.....
secara keseluruhan dengan skala paling baik=10, maka:

Package : 9 (Ruapi banget)
Komunikasi & Keramahan : 9
Kecepatan Pengiriman: 9 (kemarin siang mesen, hari ini (siangnya) udah dateng)
Kualitas Barang: - (belum di coba.. gan, ntar malem aku coba deh gan..)

Secara Keseluruhan PELAYANANNYA... 9 (Memuaskan Banget...)


15-05-2010, 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by buma (KASKUS)
barang dah terima juragan.. masih belum coba neh. cuma mau kasih testi dulu, biar lancar
dagangan nye....


13-05-2010, 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by ad333n (KASKUS)
lapor bosss.....ratzapper nya sdh sy test, sy pasang jam 5 sore....dapet 1 jam 8 malem, sy pasang lg....pagi nya ada tikus yg modar 1 lagi....wuuaahh....mantab pisan nih...brg ajib....ayooo pd beli nih brg....mustinya sy nih yg di kasih cendol bos hehehe



06-05-2009, 10:40 AM
RatZapper ini sudah saya buktikan sendiri efektif untuk menghalau tikus-2 yg nakal.

Sekarang rumah saya bersih dr tikus. Harga sepadan dengan benefit yg didapat dr produk ini


15-04-2009, 9:42pm
rat zapper ini memang sangat berguna sekali terutama di pergudangan. Dimana kita tidak perlu menambah dosa dengan membunuh tikus. biarlah yang menjual rat zapper ini, dosanya

Halaman 1 (of 7). Kembali ke Halaman Utama.

Around the World Testimonial - 2 (of 7)

Halaman 2 (of 7). Kembali ke Halaman Utama.


Rats were destroying my RV wiring. The rats were too smart. Nothing worked more than once.Then I got the Rat Zapper. I have collected one rat a day for two weeks now. Check the first rat I caught. Almost 12 inches head to tail.
It is the greatest.


Jim 05/16/2010
I had the Rat Zapper 2000 in our old house and loved it. Found that we had a real bad chipmunk problem at our new house (burrowing in garden, mulch, under structures) and picked up the new Rat Zapper. Took care of our chipmunk problem with ease. What a great piece of technology!


Andrew 05/05/2010
WOW !!!!that is all I can say.
I was a little skeptical about buying this "better mouse trap" but WOW, the first night, second day,second night,third night, fourth night and fifth night....havent seen one of these little guys in 1 month. We nicknamed it "the ZAPP Motel". Get one you will not be dissatisfied!


kenny in San Antonio 04/30/2010
I purchased a Rat Zapper 2 days ago. . . within 6 hours after purchase, it delivered results! So I went back to the store and bought another one, to allow me to cover 2 areas of mouse traffic . . . . this turned out to be a good idea, as I zapped 2 more mice today. This is a wonderful product, and the most important thing is that it is HUMANE . . . the mouse doesn't suffer at all.

I highly recommend this great product!


Steve 04/15/2010
I bought your product back last summer, well last night I had a pesky mouse in my ceiling tiles in my basement. Heard him running around having a ball, I baited the trap and finally got the red blinking light :). Bye bye pesky mouse. No more tuning in my ceiling. Thanks rat zapper

Ric 04/13/2010
We noticed a little visitor yesterday morning (Monday). On Tuesday morning our little friend was no more. This contraption is a no stress, no hassle solution to a mouse problem. Thanks Rat Zapper!

Christine 04/04/2010
I have a squirrel problem in my back yard. They dig up everything including my potted plants. After a week of setting up the Zapper and nothing was happening, I was ready to write an unfavorable testimonial - - and this morning - YEAH, I got the first one, hopefully the first of many more. NOTE: Just so I don't have to bring in the Zapper every time it rains, I wrapped it in Saran Wrap and placed on top of a tree trunk to keep it dry, and it works great.
Thank you!!!!

Ken 04/04/2010
I've told you before, and I'll tell you again: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

M 03/27/2010
Living in the country we share our environment with many creatures. I just received my order for four Classic Rat Zappers. I have tried poisons but the little varmints smelled when they stayed too close to home and died. I tried snap traps but I HATED to have to pick up the little creatures and dispose of them. I LOVE the Zapper. Once inside the Zapper they die and the light blinks letting me know it is time to pick it up and dump the little critter out and place it back. No SMELL,and no CONTACT with me. THANK YOU, this product is so easy to use and gets results FAST.

Shelly,Nashville, TN 03/21/2010

We noticed something was trying to eat our dog treats that we stored in our garage. It chewed through the lid of the dog treats (the one in the back round). I had put one of those sticky traps and didn't catch anything for about a week! Yesterday I went and bought the rat zapper ultra bait it with dog food and this is what I got within 24 hours!! Too good to be true!!
I truly believe in this product, love it, and can't say enough about it!
I will recommend this product to all of my friends who may have these friends around their homes.
This product is AWESOME and thanks for such a wonderful invention!!

John from Hawaii 03/21/2010
Nearly three years ago, we had a serious mouse problem in our partially renovated New York City apartment. The mice were brazen and I'd even see them during the day. We tried every conceivable trap--snaps, glue, catch and release, no see. Everything on the market. No luck. And I was beside myself. Then I did some Googling and immediately ordered a Ratzapper. I remember the instructions said something about having a kill the first night if you have a problem. I thought "yeah, right", but went to bed. Sure enough, our first dead mouse was in the Zapper the next morning. Kept using it until we got 'em all.

Now I have a problem at my country house. We brought the Zapper out and PRESTO a dead mouse this morning. I'm ordering two more Zappers today as I want one in the basement and another to move around as needed.

Thanks, Ratzapper; you're a sanity saver!!

Jan 03/19/2010
This is the BEST investment that you will make in rat traps!! I was skeptical in purchasing this item and instead bought those glue traps. I also hired a local pest exterminator company where they set snap traps and bait boxes. Must I say that they had never caught one rat and I paid them over $500.00 to try and catch them and get rid of my problem!! I was so disgusted with the rat problem and finally I went to a local hardware store. In the same isle where a lady was picking one up. I had asked her if it worked and she said "yes, just be patient and you will catch them".
So I decided to take her advice.......
To my surprise within that first two weeks we had caught four rats including two mice! I just recently set it up in a different area and within hours one more rat dead!
I truly believe in this product and recommend anyone who may have a rodent problem to purchase it!!
It REALLY works!!

Naomi from Hawaii 03/18/2010
In conversation with my wife at the family dinner table a couple nights ago, she mentioned that she had told a friend that I'm not very romantic. Well, that was quite a surprise to me, as technical writers are renowned lovers (along with engineers). Of course, I determined to change her perception.

First thing I did was cut for her the best rose from my garden. Sadly, I'm not romantic enough to actually fertilize, trim, or otherwise maintain the roses, so the bloom was a wilted, pathetic little thing. Nevertheless, it elicited a smile (or maybe a look of wry resignation?).

Next, I determined to dispatch the rats that so annoy her by running to and fro in front of our bedroom window. ("Not romantic"? Hah!) I found the trusty Rat Zapper in the garage, did some quick repair where a battery had leaked, cleaned the spaces between the electrified plates, and assured that it functioned by drawing a brilliant blue, buzzing, quarter-inch arc across a screwdriver. I hauled out the Skilsaw , some plywood, and some conduit clamps, and built a platform to mount the Zapper to the awning frame in front of the window. On night one, I let the little nasties steal the peanut butter bait. But on night two, I presented my loving wife with two hefty kills in rapid succession. I was as a knight presenting slain dragons to his princess! (Well, sort of a little...) What could be more romantic than that?

The best part came as I carried the first victim from the bedroom through the house to the trash. It was a big fellow, and he was somewhat visible through the stretched, translucent plastic supermarket bag in my hand. I stopped in the family room to display my trophy to my 13-year-old daughter who was busy there doing homework. "Ewwww!" she said, with obvious admiration. "May I poke it?" "Sure," said I. She reached out an index finger, and just as she jabbed at the burden in the bag, I shrieked "EEEK!" and tossed the bag at her. Hilarity ensued.

I'm not only very romantic, but I'm a really cool daddy. And, I have a really cool Rat Zapper.

Kevin 03/16/2010
This winter our home has had an unusual amount of mice, it's quite disturbing to find droppings right out in the open! We have been trying the typical poisons but with limited results. As it happens, the problem is a lot worse than I could ever have imagined. Two nights ago, much to my dismay, I saw something MUCH bigger than a mouse scurrying across our basement floor. My big dog has been sniffing around the basement but not freaking out or indicating anything was out of the norm. We pulled out the washing machine and there was a very large hole in the drywall at floor level with debris and droppings spilling from the wall.
I was mortified and embarassed. Our house is clean, we don't leave food lying around. It really makes you feel terrible. Of course we spent the entire evening and following morning pulling out the cupboards and moving appliances looking for signs of critters. We also checked outside for cracks in the mortar. Then onto the internet to do some research.
Relief flooded over me when I found your website and saw that you had a Canadian distributor. We promptly bought a Rat Zapper(last evening). Our first catch occured within 45 minutes of baiting the trap and we have already emptied it several times!
After 24 hours of using your Rat Zapper I can honestly say that every home should have one! (Anyone that thinks they don't have pests in their own home is just kidding themselves!!)
Thanks so much! I feel like I can sleep at night knowing that your prodcut is working away in the basement. We have already told all of our friends to buy a Rat Zapper.

Andrea - Hamilton ON Canada 03/14/2010
I was ashamed to tell anyone we had a rodent infestation. We would find feces in the morning in several areas of our home. As we keep our dog food in a sealed container in the garage I couldn't figure out what the "mice" were after. Finally, one night, we saw a critter scampering into our parrot's cage and eating his food. And, it wasn't a mouse, it was a rat!! Our three dogs completely ignored it. The next morning I went to OSH and purchased one of your products. I baited it with dry dog food and bird seed and set it out near the bird cage. That night I saw the red light flashing and realized it had worked. It's been a week and so far we have killed 5 rats!

Beth 03/10/2010
Our house has a wash behind it and for years rats have come up over the wall to eat our pet rabbit's food. We have tried everything imaginable. Our new rat zapper arrived 6 days ago. In those 6 days, we've gotten 7 rats. Amazing!! I just bait it with the rabbit food they were coming to get.

Mitzi 03/10/2010

Little Missy gets schooled by RatZapper!

I’ve got to add a follow-up post from my earlier note. The Ratzapper has completely eliminated the (Northern) Flying Squirrel problem we’ve been having. We’re able to sleep again at night and the peace is welcome.

The Ratzapper ended up getting 5 of these vermin over about 2 weeks. I would have never imagined there were so many. Ratzapper took care of everyone with no fuss. I did nothing in terms of fancy baiting. I added just a little dry cat food and a small amount of bird seed and that’s all that was needed. I never had any gruesome messes to clean up - the Ratzapper is a model of efficiency. I’m absolutely stunned by its performance and would strongly recommend it to others.

I’m still on my original set of batteries and the device has been on duty in a very cold attic. The system still charges up almost instantly.

My heartiest thanks to Ratzapper’s inventor !!

Thom 03/08/2010
1 Rat Zapper
1 tiny tray of Skippy peanut butter
1 night
1 dead rat

Who could ask for more?

Robert Gould 03/05/2010
The Rat Zapper is a great product. When I get a mouse problem, I'll get one a night. And then they are gone. I feel bad for the mice when I used other methods, but this is a humane product. Definitely recommend it.

B.L. 03/04/2010
We had a rat in our garage going after our dog food bag. Tried traditional snap-trap, but unsuccessful.
Then, I set the Rat Zapper and FORGOT about it. After a week, I thought, ohh, well, a bad investment....BUT, this morning, I went into the garage to get dog food and noticed the blinking light. I disposed of the rat (didn't have to even touch it) and put some more dog food at the end of the Rat Zapper to catch any others roaming our garage.
Safe for our dogs! Safe for our kids! And probably the most humane way of getting rid of rats!

Paul 02/28/2010
I thought I only had one rat in my garage but have been putting ratzapper out for the last three days and have had a rat in there every morning when i check it.This is the best investment I have made in awhile thank gad for the rat zapper.

T.H 02/28/2010
I have nothing but positives to say about the newest Infrared Rat Zapper Ultra. My situation involved having numerous rodents (10) in my attic. The adult male & female came in from one of my citrus trees where the branch hung over my roof.

The head count that the Rat Zapper was successfull in killing included an adult female & male along with 8 young rodents. I did not relaize that a rat litter can yield on average between 8-12 young rats. It only took 11 days for me to kill the entire 10 rodents. There were NO false kills (meaning the red kill light came on but the bait was gone & no dead rodent inside). Great product. Very easy to dispose of the dead rodent.

Rob 02/27/2010
I had been inundated with squirrels, they were eating all my young plants and digging up planted bulbs in my vegetable garden. I was a little apprehensive when I saw the zapper advertised, but having tried all other tricks to be rid of them, thought I would give your product a chance. I have now had the zapper for about 5 - 6 weeks and to date have zapped 10. I am very pleased with it and can wholly recommend it.

The method I am using the zapper is, I set it up with squirrel food, place it back in it's box with the end open and place it on the shelf under my potting table in a seed tray. It is now out of all weathers, has not needed cleaning yet and I am extremely happy with it. By the way, the hawks are now well fed where I live.

Ken Budden 02/21/2010
It works!

It took me a few weeks to figure out a location because nothing was taking the bait. Finally figured it should be near the trashcan. The first time I turned it on the light was flashing the next morning, but no rodent. Turned out later that something had dragged it out of the trap!

Next night (yesterday) turned it on again and got another rat, this one was left in the trap.

Thank you, Ratzapper!

RickB 02/19/2010
Hey this is a grreat product,easy to set up and run.We live on the farm and as you know the mice are around.Got 2 products and all ready caught 7 mice(not bad for 1 day)can't say enough good stuff.Buy and you will not be dissappointed.

Tom 02/15/2010
I never wrote a testimonial before for any product, but then, I never had a rat problem before, either. One rat. Living in our house for probably a month or so. First we thought it was a mouse and put out small traps. They were ignored or snapped and empty. So I bought bigger traps, for a rat.
We heard them snap, but caught nothing. Then the creepy little critter started showing itself, coming out at 4 am to scratch around, wake and mock us, scampering across the curtain rods, clattering down the blinds, streaking across the kitchen floor, dumping poop, and yes, this was definitely a rat and it called for stronger ammunition. Didn't want poisons around the house, and forty bucks seemed a bit much for a better mousetrap, but in the store several unsolicited shoppers came up to me and told me I was on the right track with the Rat Zapper. This made me feel better. At least I wasn't the only one around here with a rat problem. So we bleached all around the areas where it semed like the rat might be hiding or stashing food, covered all the dog food and water and tried to reduce the rat's possibilities down to a a small trail of crumbs leading to a couple of pieces of dog food in the Rat Zapper, and set it out. You're not supposed to turn it on the first night, but I did, I couldn't wait. That night, on schedule, the rat came out and looked around in all it's regular places for food and finding none, went for the trap, grabbed some food from the front, made a spine-chilling racket scratching around the Rat Zapper and disappeared. Second night, I added a piece of tile propped on top of the Rat Zapper to weight it down so it won't move when the rat climbs in. Put the weighted, baited Rat Zapper on. No one could sleep all night, we were so creeped out, so we quietly waited, 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, it's starting to get light out, but no rat appeared. Did it leave? Did it get zappped the first night and only wounded, crawling off to die and stink up the house more? Third night, pretty much at wit's end with this cagey rat outsmarting us at every turn, weighted and baited Rat Zapper still on, bait now only in the back past the metal contact. We're all watching TV upstairs and the dog perks up. Our starving rat has come out early, around 7 pm. The dog stares at the Rat Zapper. No one breathes. Then, bzzzzttt, no clatter, no fuss, no mess, no more rat. It took a while to outsmart that filthy rodent, but that was human error. If I knew then what I know now, I would have bought the Rat Zapper first. All in all, among the best forty bucks I ever spent, and it's a gift that keeps giving -- just leave it on like us, in case any more unwelcome friends show up.

Happy Customer 02/08/2010
We had a very clever rat that was keeping my 84-year old Mother from getting any sleep. (No matter what she did, the little S.O.B. always managed to get into her room and annoy her!)

We tried conventional ("classic" spring-type) traps, and the "sticky" glue-traps - he was taking the bait, and leaving his foot-prints to let us know he was still out-smarting us.

A friend told me about "electric mouse-traps," and how well they work, so I bought an Infrared Rat Zapper Ultra, and followed the instructions. (They say that "rats are wary little creatures," and may not get caught immediately, but "to be patient.")

Our 'Ultra' caught a big fat rat in approximately 48 hours. Pepperidge Farm Milanos work great as bait! I'm going to buy one for our garage in the near future.

Dave Hildebrand 02/03/2010
Rat Zapper Ultra works great.
Our home is adjacent to a conservation area in Kaneohe Hawaii. When it rains, Rats find their way to our home, and have founs a way to enter it. Heard about RatZapper on the Mike Buck radio show. Purchased first unit December 30, 2009, at AirGas/Gaspro Hawaii. Thus far it has exterminated 4, good sized Rats. Takes a few days before the Rats feel confident to enter the Zapper.
I placed a small piece of Cheese on a small piece of waxed paper as bait, and slid it all the way to the front of the unit.
Our Rats like cheese. Have not yet found how they get in the house. We are going to purchase another ULTRA RatZapper as added insurance. Aloha from Hawaii.

M. N. Daniels 02/02/2010
The mice might have won a lot of battles (okay all of them) but I won the WAR!!! I live in New York City on the 9th floor and for the last past 2 months I have been terrorized by 2 mice, and terrorized it the word We tried poison, sticky traps, homemade devices everything that I could find on internet and nothing. Our mice are smart, and definitely not afraid of me. They were walking around the house during the day ignoring the light and the noise and the fact that we were there. I got the Rat Zipper yesterday and I was not very excited about it and did not get too excited when I woke up this morning and saw the red light blinking. But you should have seen my excitement when I saw one of them dead in the zapper. YEEEYYYYYY. One day one mice!!!! Love this machine and I would recommend it to anyone!!! One down- one more to go :)

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Perangkap Tikus Rat Zapper Testimonial - 3 (of 7)

Halaman 3 (of 7). Kembali ke Halaman Utama.

Elena Negru 01/26/2010
I live in a rural area of Colorado and have had field mice come into the house several times a year for the 25 plus years I’ve lived here. I’ve used snap traps successfully, but even the best of them have problems such as our dog triggers the trap, the bait gets old waiting for the next invasion, or the mouse isn’t squarely caught and drags the trap off. If the bait in the snap trap became desiccated and unattractive to a mouse, he and his family could make themselves at home for awhile before they were noticed.

Several years ago I saw one of your RatzZapper Classics in a feed store and gave it a try. It worked great and still performs well after years of service. It is there waiting to nip the next invasion in the bud before the problem has a chance to get comfortable, reproduce, and multiply. I’ve added a RatZapper Ultra in another part of the house and both continue to serve admirably. The dried dog food seems to remain attractive to mice for long periods of time, our dog doesn’t interfere with your high tech traps, and invasions are reliably stopped fast when ever they start.

These traps had more than paid for themselves with the long term service they had already provided when I first started to have some problems with reliability. Your customer service department replied immediately to my inquiry and provided great service. The old traps just needed a cleaning with vinegar, water, and dish detergent and I’d forgotten about adding the vinegar.

Thank you for the great product and great customer service.

Gill Photography, LLC

Dave-Gill Photography, LLC 01/23/2010
Thanks for the great product. I purchased your traps last year and used them during the cold weather and they worked. We are now back into the cold weather, and more of our little furry friends are back. We refreshed the batteries set the traps up and have caught 6 mice in the last 4 days. Great traps - no fuss no mess. Thanks again.

Michelle, Calgary, Canada 01/20/2010
This is the best thing ever created!! I have never lived in a place with mice, so needless to say as soon as I knew I had one I was pretty freaked out. The Rat Zapper was instantly recommended to me so I figured I would give it a try...

I set it up tonight and within one hour it has already gotten three mice!! Unfortunately I am pretty sure that drained the batteries but hey $8 for more batteries is worth it to have less mice in my apt.

If you have mice, you NEED the Rat Zapper!!!

girly girl 01/14/2010
Living in a big city brings its share of mice. For over 20 years I had to deal with using the sticky traps and snap traps. I hated the sticky traps because the mice would scream and that noise irritated me. And sometimes they would escape from the sticky trap. The snap traps would always squirt blood on the walls and if not handled properly would snap my finger while setting it. Then one night on a late night talk show I heard about the rat zapper. I went to my local hardware store and have never went back to using the traps of old again. The rat zapper has changed my life forever. One of the best inventions ever!

Ric in Philadelphia 01/08/2010
I am now a true BELIEVER! We thought we had a mouse when we discovered that the dog food bag kept in the garage had a couple of small holes in it. We moved the food inside the house. Then, my son and my husband thought they saw the critter running across the garage floor . . . a rat, instead of a mouse. Then, my miniature schnauzer started going crazy whenever he went into the garage. After careful investigation, my husband noticed the droppings. We purchased the standard mouse snap traps and baited them with peanut butter. We put 6 traps in one garage and 3 traps in the other garage . . . I wanted to be sure we got the sucka! Nothing happened. Then we purchased a larger rat trap and baited it with apples coated in peanut butter. In a couple of hours, the goodies were gone, the trap snapped, but we caught nothing. The final straw was yesterday. As I was driving to work, my check engine light and other warning lights came on. I took my car straight to the dealership and was told that a rat or something had crawled under my hood and gnawed on my wires. A $350 problem! WAR was now imminent. I went home and started searching the internet. I came across the testimonials for the Rat Zapper. Since the snap traps hadn't worked and an exterminator would cost at least $100, we figured we may as well give the RZ a try. We found a dealer in our area and purchased two Rat Zapper Ultras .. one for each garage. I read the instructions, baited both with dry dog food and set them out at 6:15 p.m. My kids were excited .. wondering if we would catch the critter. At 6:30 p.m. I peeked into one garage to see if the red light was blinking. IT WAS!!! The RZ caught the rat in 15 minutes .. or maybe even sooner. We all started screaming, laughing, and patting ourselves on the back for the good work. My kids really got a kick out of seeing the little creature sitting in the box with its tail hanging out. Yep ... the little devil monster was dead! My husband dumped it in the garbage can, and we reloaded the RZ with more bait. We haven't caught another one yet, but I hear if we get one, there's probably more. But now, we have no fear . . . the Rat Zapper is here! This gadget really works. I only wish I had found the RZ before the critter gnawed on my wires and cost me $350!!! Do not waste your money on other traps. I look at the Rat Zapper as an investment ... an investment in our home being rodent free FOREVER !!!!!!!

RZ Lover in Murphy, Texas 01/05/2010
I think i'm affecting the eco-system in my neighborhood!!!
Rat Zapper Infrared ultra is awesome. For years I was using Victor Snap traps, and live catch traps - what a mess!

I have only owned this device for two months and it has already killed at least 25 mice (sometimes two at a time).

One of these days I will get around to replacing the junky metal basement doors where the mice are coming in - but until then...This is by far the best trap money can buy!!

Ken B. - New Jersey 01/05/2010
We've had issues with flying squirrels hanging out in our attic over the past couple of years. I got rid of them with a conventional trap and thought I was done. Well, they returned and have been driving us crazy at night with all their clawing and scratching. Truly miserable and the kids are scared to death thinking that they're going to get into their bedrooms.

Enter Ratzapper this past Saturday! After reading up on my possible solutions, it sounded like Ratzapper was worthy of consideration. So, we trudged thru a major snowstorm and found our way to a dealer with the Ultra in stock - I was getting desperate and everyone was very tired from being kept up at night.

We set it up in the attic and got nothing the first night. However, we had luck on the 2nd night and found the perp in the Zapper the next morning. What a relief! I was thrilled and declared the Ratzapper had paid for itself.

I’m going to leave it set up for a bit longer. Based upon my readings this perp most likely has friends. I did trap three of them a couple of years back.

Thom 12/30/2009
"As feed store owner I sold Rat Zappers with full confidence that they worked. Why? My customers told me so, and their stories on just how effective the Rat Zapper was - astounded me.
Why I didn’t have one installed in my home is another story.
Finally, when it was obvious I was living with mice ( or I should say they were playing in my closet trying on, and or eating my designer clothes) – I brought one home.
It took me longer to install the batteries and replace the cover that it took to get my first mouse. It worked as advertized, fast and effectively. I quickly re-loaded with Orijen Dog Food ( a last meal favorite with the mice) and again – another mouse, dead.
I have since repaired the area that they mice were getting in – and as a precaution – reloaded the Rat Zapper in case there is a next time, it’s an insurance policy for my home and possessions."

Keely Paregian
Scott's Corner Hay & Feed
Newcastle, CA

OMG! Thank you Rat Zapper. Now I can finally get some sleep. Three nights ago, I first realized that I had a mouse in my apartment kitchen. I couldn't believe it because I live on the upper floor of a very well maintained complex. I work nights so i was hanging out with a friend at my place after work around 4am when we both saw the mouse peering out at us from a space in the baseboard next to my dishwasher. We saw it again as it ran from under the oven to the dishwasher. We immediately went out that night and bought some basic snap traps which we baited separately with vanilla extract, peanut butter and granola coated with chocolate.

The next day I did some research on the Internet and determined that the Rat Zapper was what I wanted. I read that the snap traps weren't that effective. Even if they were, I'm glad that I did not have to deal with the mess a snap trap could create. (btw-they ate the granola without setting the trap off.) I knew I definitely did not want to use poison bait because I had a friend who did and the rat crawled into their vents and died, leaving a horrific smell for weeks. The other option of glue traps didn't sound appealing because I know I couldn't deal with having to kill the trapped mouse. Plus, I read that they often just end up ripping the stuck skin off and leaving a gory mess with no mouse/rat. Yuck.

So on my second night I set up the Rat Zapper Classic and set it up flush, right next to the baseboard that I saw the mouse run by. I set it so that the opening and length of trap was on the pathway of the mouse. I threw in a couple pieces of the dried food provided with the Rat Zapper and also placed a plastic Gatorade cap with peanut butter in it. Around 4am again, I started to hear snapping and crackling sounds which went on intermittently for a few minutes. When I finally screwed up the courage to peek into my kitchen, I saw a mouse outside the Rat Zapper looking into it, but it quickly ran the other direction when it saw me. Darn, no red blinking light.

I thought perhaps my regular alkaline batteries weren't as fresh so maybe it couldn't generate enough power to kill. I jumped on the Internet again and determined that I should do the following: 1. Replace the alkaline batteries with ultra lithium batteries. 2. Clean the unit with white vinegar and Dawn dishwashing liquid per the instructions provided 3. Place a wet towel at the entrance of the unit which would make their feet more conductive. 4. Purchase fresh cat food. (It looked like the unit was sitting on the shelf for awhile because the dried food provided had white cobwebs? or fungus?) 5. Place the food in the center of the kill plate. (I read this somewhere but didn't quite understand it. Apparently small mice sometimes run too quick before the trap can go off. By placing it in the middle, it supposedly allows for better contact for the unit to work.)

So on my third night, I came home armed and determined to catch the mouse. Much to my amazement when i came into the kitchen, the red light was blinking! I hadn't done anything yet to the Rat Zapper.

I was hoping that I only had one mouse, but I know they typically come in packs. Crap! As I sit in my living room typing this testimonial, I hear noises coming from my oven. It's that same crackling and snapping noise that I thought was coming from the Rat Zapper the previous night. Apparently, it wasn't the Rat Zapper because I have not cleaned out and reset the unit yet. I am guessing it's more mice underneath my oven, not sure what they are doing. I was going to wait till the afternoon when a friend said they would take care of the trap for me. Now I am debating about whether I want to dispose of the mouse currently in the trap myself or try and sleep another night knowing they're there. At least I am now confident that i will be able to get rid of them fairly quick!

SFgirl 12/11/2009
Our house is being renovated after a fire. There is no food in the house anywhere so I was surprised when I saw a rat come from behind the stove in the kitchen. I went to the local hardware store and picked up a Rat Zapper classic.

I simply put in some batteries, some of the supplied dry dog food, turned it on and left it on the floor in the kitchen. I came back to the house the next morning - one dead rat in the trap.

The trap is working well so far.

David - Hawaii 12/11/2009
Somebody finally invented a better mouse (rat) trap. We heard noises in our walls and attic. I was tired of snap traps and I found your product on the internet. I could not be more pleased. I set it up in the garage and had a kill the first night. In the first 2 weeks I had 22 dead rats. We did not realize that we were so infested. Your product performed exactly as advertised.

Thank you RAT ZAPPER.

Pat S. Houston, Tx. 12/04/2009

GOTCHA! Can't wait to get the rest of his family. The little stinkers have been chewing wires and making nests in my cars' engines!

Placerville, CA

Kris 12/04/2009

Dear Ratzapper Tech:

Kudos to your invention. Notice the time I'm writing.(2:30 am)
That's how elated I am! It took a month and 10 victor traps, 8 bananas, a trip to the vet for dog inoculations, black flag defogger for mites, and 1 thing... your great machine!

I'd also like to thank Pedigree Dog Food, Baggies, Nicola Tesla, and regarding your moniker "never touch a dead rat again"....it was a pleasure baggin' it up! (attachment available for your lunch break,lol)

Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, your satisfied customer,


John 11/28/2009
A few days ago I was standing in the pest aisle of the local hardware store trying to figure out how best to kill the rats I saw running along the top of my backyard fence. I've used snap traps in the past and they've always worked fine for me, although I consider them "one use" items - I'd throw them away with the rat carcass. A store employee pointed at the ratzapper and told me, "Put that (snap trap) down. You want that blue box right there."

I was skeptical but bought it anyway (with the full intention of retuning it when it didn't work.)

It's now 48 hour later and this thing has caught 3 rats and counting!

The rat zapper is worth every penny.

Justin in Hawaii 11/25/2009
What a product !!! I received my Rat Zapper Ultra less than a week ago. The first 5 nights we used it on mice and caught 7. Then took it out to the back porch, where we knew there was rat activity, and baited it ( not turned on ) for only 1 night. The next night, after seeing that all the bait from the previous night had been eaten, we re-baited the Rat Zapper and turned it on. In less than two hours, we had our first dead rat !!!
Thank You for such a great rodent control tool.

Paul, Ozark Mountains 11/21/2009
Fantastic, Incredible! I just received mine two days ago and even though I thought I had only one mouse I couldn't believe how many it caught in 24 hours. It worked in the first hour of putting it down. I would definately recommend this to anyone who has a rodent problem.

Cindy, NYC 11/19/2009
Hi Ed,

As I said over the phone, we've been selling the Ratzapper for many
years. The previous owners seemed to have a bit of an exclusive on
this product for a while but we continue to ship them to people all
over the country. I've had excellent service from Ratzapper as well.
If any customer has had any problem using the product, your support
people have helped to solve the problem. It's great to have a product
that pretty much sells itself and I've already had people phoning me,
who have seen the new products on the internet and are asking when
they will be available in my store.

Thanks again,

Scott Riddell
Nordel Home Hardware

I bought this "thing" at 4 PM in the afternoon. By 5PM, I was home and had it set up outside on a wooden fence. By 5:58PM, I looked outside and the RED light was flashing! I had my 1st Big RAT !!!! Ya Baby - this "Thing" works !!!!

Jere from California 10/26/2009
The Rat Zapper worked the very first night. We have been trying to get this Pack Rat out of our RV for months. Pack rats are an epidemic for RV’s in the South West, they can cause thousands of dollars of damage to vehicles… In fact I have pictures of my parents RV that burned to the ground while in route to Phoenix. A Pack Rat chewed through some wires and caused a short that started the fire. It would have killed the driver if they had not got out in time… If I were you guys, I’d sell these at all of the RV lots and RV accessory stores. Thanks again.

Kevin- AZ 10/21/2009
Ever since they started renovating the High School behind me, the entire rat population located to my area. I struggled with spring traps, the city baited.
My family and I were watching tv one night about 9:00 in the evening. I got up and went into the kitchen. There was a rat the size of a cat on my counter eating my bread. Fun!!!

After trying everything and nothing working, one of your young salesmen talked me into an electric trap. I thought he was pulling my leg, but was willing to try it.
WOW, this thing is lethal!! I have caught 8 so far and still counting. If everyone in the city did this, the rats would be gone. This would be cheaper than hiring a guy to bait, just let'em use an electric trap. This would work, baiting does not work at all. It's clean, easy and you don't even have to see'em. Thanks a million. I should bring my dead pets to a council meeting, that may be fun!!

Thanks Guy's!!

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Pembasmi Tikus Rat Zapper Testimonial - 4 (of 7)

Halaman 4 (of 7). Kembali ke Halaman Utama.

Larrie- MI 10/17/2009
My rat zapper classic lasted 13 years before dying, but I would by another one for sure. I got my money's worth and then some! Not once did it fail to do the job. I recommend them all the time to people who tell about endless rodent problems. The rat zapper cures all:) !

BikerDave,IN 09/28/2009
We have had an infestation of chipmunks around our townhouse and while a few might be considered cute, a whole herd of them are not since they can be quite destructive. At the suggestion of a friend, I bought a Rat Zapper Ultra to deal with the problem. This is one of the greatest inventions,since as they say, sliced bread. So far, I have zapped 30 of them. No fuss, no muss, just dead. I found that bird seed is deadly as a bait. Thought you might like to know that this thing really works.

Richard W. 09/28/2009
Wow! I baited mine with Koi pellets in my garage and walked away to set another one by the time I set it and went to look at the first one I already saw the light flashing and found a large rat in it. Amazingly fast and I don't have to worry about blood or where they may die.

T 09/13/2009
I tried using a live trap and relocating the pests. Chipmunks came back. After damage to garden, lawn and garage intrusion by munks I live trapped a munk and put the trap into a water barrel. The munk actually forced the trap open and treaded water for minutes. Not a pleasant sight. Then I put my brand new rat zapper ultra out with a few sunflower seeds in it and the next morning a munk was terminated instantly. I am a retired electrical engineer and am very impressed with the technology, quality of construction and affordable price of the rat zapper ultra. I taught high voltage electrical safety classes to electricians and with my knowledge of electrocution effects I can say that the rodent "doesn't know what hit them". It is as humane as it can be. For outdoor garden use be sure to get the accessory enclosure for the ultra since even morning dew needs to be protected against.

Jim in Wisconsin 09/09/2009
We live in the foothills of southern CA, next to undeveloped land, so have continual source of varmits. Also, lots of livestock so rats love it here. It got to point I could not even grow fruit or tomatoes - they chewed it all. I heard about the Ratzapper, and rushed to hardware store and bought the Ultra. Let me tell you it is worth every penny!! We zapped 6 the first day! Since then, it is on nearly all the time. Then we discovered it solved another one of our long-term problems - ground squirrels. So far this summer the zapper has got every squirrel that has come into the yard. We use chicken feed for bait. Works every time. Thank you Ratzapper!

KC 09/03/2009

As a computer engineer I was skeptical of your product but am now convinced it works! Here in the Southwest Neotoma Mexicana (pack rat or wood rat) is a reservoir species for Yersinia Pestis, the bacterium that causes bubonic plague. We had a pack rat coming too close to the house (as evidenced by droppings) which concerned me because of the potential health risk (from fleas the rats typically carry). I set the Rat Zapper Ultra trap with whole peanuts (with shells). I tied a bundle of three peanuts with a rubber-band and secured the bundle with fishing line in the back of the trap, and set two loose peanuts in the front, on the advice of my neighbor who gave me the trap. It worked the very first time around, early the next morning about 7 hours later I could see the flashing red light out the window of the house. Thanks for a great product that worked successfully for me for rodent control. Another thing I like about your product is the ability to tip the dead rodent out of the trap onto the ground without handling and then use a shovel for removal.

Nick 09/03/2009

First, I must say that I have never written a testimonial for a product, but I am in love with the Rat Zapper Ultra! I purchased it about three years ago when I had a single rat in the house, I tried every kind of trap... this rat was just too smart. Anyone who has ever had a rat in there house knows the insanity you can feel about catching it. It took about 3 days for the Rat Zapper to zap it... I was so excited to see that red light blinking.

I recently saw a rat run across my patio (too close to the house), so I dug out the Rat Zapper from the garage (still stored in the box... I had only used it that one time in the house). I set the trap with peanut butter and a couple pieces of dry dog food, I didn't even change the three year old batteries and within an hour that red light was blinking! It was a huge rat about 14" long... disgusting! In the last 3 days I have caught 9 more (8 were young ones). Last night I caught 4 within a two hour time frame! Can't wait to see how many I catch tonight!

Chris - Woodland Hills, CA 09/03/2009
Living in NYC in an 1830's townhouse we had a lot of mice, with a newborn my wife was not pleased. Our landlord had an exterminator come once a month and for 12 months he set sticky traps, regular traps etc and didn't catch one mouse. During that same time period one Zapper caught 20 mice! Your product is amazing I recommend it always; although vermin aren't a fun topic...
Mark NY NY

Mark Thomas 08/31/2009
My husband has been in a battle all summer with some rats and squirrels who have been ruining our tomatoes. After trying everything, our local Green Thumb Nursery Counselor told him about The Rat Zapper.

If you'd like to hear the ten minute audio version of this story, go to bfconline.org and click on messages & podcasts and look under The Passionate Life: Revenge 8/29-30. Daniel is a pastor at Bible Fellowship Church, Ventura and used The Rat Zapper in his message this past weekend. Thanks to The Rat Zapper, we've had revenge on three fat rats and one very large squirrel!

Lori Hahn 08/25/2009
Had a major infestion of chipmunks in my yard this summer - all was fine and dandy until they started chewing their way into my garage and digging burrows around all the basement window wells of my house. I purchased the Ultra Rat Zapper model to start thinning the herd, and so far it has worked like a champ! Great product, highly recommended by this very satisfied customer.

Rod in Iowa 08/25/2009
These things are GREAT! I live on a 120 acres and the house is very old. It used to be mouse central.

Not any more.

There's a new sheriff in town!

rlf 08/19/2009
We love the RZ.. We have tried everything, Truly Nolen, Lloyds Pest Control, and they would keep putting the traps out. Yes, we did catch rats, but then I had to deal with the leftovers.. I put the RZ out 2 nights ago and within 2 hours we had 4 rats. We keep going back to check it, but nothing yet. I know we have more so we will be patient. thanks for a great product.

Kathy SD, CA 08/04/2009
We have had an infestation of ground squirrels this summer. Using poisions was out of the question because of our dog, cats, and chickens. After purchasing the rat zapper and some loganberry paste, we successfully killed 5 ground squirrels in two days! We are still on the hunt and hope to wipe out the residents close to our house.Thanks for a great product! Linda, CA

linda 08/04/2009
yup, lots of dead mice in our house. we tried several kinds traps, but nothing caught or killed even one mouse. none of them were the old school spring-loaded variety (i wanted them gone or dead, but i can't be that cruel). the bait we used was peanut butter. absolutely zero effectiveness. i didn't even find evidence that a mouse had set off a trap but got away. nada.

then we got a rat zapper. problem solved. we thought we had two mice. uh... no. more like seven. it caught the first one in under 12 hours. over maybe a week or so, they were all smoked.

i think part of the effectiveness of the rat zapper is that the business end of it is not completely enclosed; mice can't get out it, but light can get in. just about every mousetrap that is not the spring type asks the mouse to step into a room with absolutely no ambient light. complete darkness. if you're reading this, you're a mammal just like mice. would you do that? i wouldn't. the rat zapper lets them see the food (bait). therefore, bzzzzzzt!

you can go to the store and buy all sorts of whiz-bang traps that say they will do this and that. or you can buy poison that is debatably effective... but takes days to work and produces a mess that's, oh, such a joy to clean up.

or you can buy a rat zapper and save yourself a lot of headaches. speaking from experience, you will spend just as much money on worthless traps as you will on a rat zapper. they just aren't worth the time, effort, or cash.

start here, end here.

greggar 08/01/2009

August 1, 2009
Dublin, CA

Had tried everything after dealing with rats in my garage on and off for years...Then discovered my Corvette fuel injection wiring chewed to bits....AND THE WAR WAS ON.

Got the Ultra Zapper, and first put 4 regular D batteries in, and nothing happened for a week. Then I got ALKALINE D batteries, and the past week have gotten 12 disgusting rats!

I use a tiny wad of chunky peanut butter on a 1" square of paper, and have gotten RED LIGHTS blinking within 15 minutes of loading it! So easy to just dump them and be done with it. I've saved a fortune on traps.

As a woman living alone, I hated the snap traps and the GORE...With the Ultra Zapper, it is so easy---Now I just dump them and reload!!

I was sick of dealing with conventional methods that didn't seem to work, and after so many RATS the past few weeks, I must have gotten the entire Von Rat family and every relative they had....AND STILL GOING!

Just take a look at the fat one that met his maker tonight! (see attached) YUCK!!! This one was Unlucky Number 13.

Best money I ever spent, I tell everyone to get one, you guys ROCK!!!

Dawn 07/29/2009
OMG I purchased 2 Ratzapper Ultras for my barn, after using the poison, traps etc. and within 4 days I have been rid of 10 rats, big and little !!!! Unbelievable product. No fuss ...no mess.... just works. I followed the directions for the first 2 days by baiting the traps and not turning them on to get the rats attention. Once I noticed that the little bit of horse grain I was using had been disturbed, I started turning on the machines. I also do not even turn my zappers on during the day to save on the batteries.
These things are FABULOUS !!!

Peggy 07/29/2009
I left some chocolate chip cookies on the front seat of my dump truck after work one day. When I returned to work the next day I saw the signs that I knew oh too well, the plastic bag was ripped in the corner and my cookies were a late night snack. I actually laughed and picked up my rat zapper at my house during the day. I left for the night with my rat zapper on the floor of the cab with my favorite choice of cat food inside. Yea I was like a little kid at christmas as I ran to my truck the next day. Then I did my little victory dance when I saw that red light flashing. The rat zapper is the better mouse trap and remember the only good mouse is a dead mouse.

Jerome 07/25/2009
Live on ten acres and spent a thousands of dollars on landscaping only for it to be torn up by all the chipmunks on my property. They have gotten so bad that their burrows are weakening my boulder retention walls and the boulders are moving a lot.

I have spent at least $500 in the past year on rat poison, bait, traps, sticky pads, smoker sticks, etc.

I don't know if I have the record or not, but the RAT Zapper has been a great think for me so far. I have zapped 15 chipmunks in 2 days! I only bought one of the Ultra zappers, but my wife is now complaining to me that I get too excited when I see that red light start blinking! I wish I would have bought 2 or three so I can wipe out the family of these little pests faster.

Great product and I would recommend to everyone w a chimpmunk or mouse problem.


Tom in Davisburg, Michigan 07/25/2009
I agree w/ one of the previous messages. After a kill and if the machine keeps buzzing when you reset it, make sure to clean it out very good as some times the droppings from the small animals get stuck in there. Had it happen a few times and once i cleaned it out, we were Zapping again. I wish I would have invented this product. Simple yet VERY effective.

Tom in Davisburg, MI 07/24/2009
Wow. Wednesday night I vowed to do something about our rat problem. We have a big yard, lots of vegetation, including about 2000SF of English Ivy. Every night I sit in my office and can hear rustling all around the pool up on the hill. If I go outside, I am assured at least one sighting as they race across the patio. Just too much. I happened on the Rat Zapper. Could not believe all the testimonials both here and elsewhere. These guys must have worked for weeks to post all those messages, I thought, but I checked out the HOW TO BUY section, found one at my favorite Ace Hardware on University Ave. in San Diego and picked one up last night.

I had put a couple Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce almonds out by the BBQ. We had been cooking a lot lately, and there was a tray on the ground to catch any drips. Tuesday morning I went out and saw little greasy footprints that turned out to be those of big fat rats. The almonds were gone within an hour so...upon arriving home and arming our new Rat ZAPPER, I put one nut near the greasy pan, one an inch inside the RZ, and one in the back. I couldn't wait, so I turned it on too.

Within 20 minutes, the first nut was gone. Went out 40 minutes later, and the one at the front of the Rat Zapper was gone. An hour later I was going to bed and told my wife that if she saw a red light blinking, we had a Zapped rat. She said "The light is blinking!!!" Son of a gun, we had our first big fat dead rat. Dumped him in the trash...sounded like a brick.

Popped a few more Wasabi nuts out there and went to bed. It is now 7:00 a.m., and I just dumped ANOTHER bigger, fatter rat brick in the trash. Three more nuts now. We'll see if they go to the rat hotel in the day time.

Thank you RAT ZAPPER...this is just great!!!


Cogito 07/22/2009
First I have never sent in a review on any product I purchased and have always read product reviews with skepticism. However, I have been fighting a rat problem for months with little success. I have baited traps, used the sonic repellers, and put out poison. I can not get barn cats due to two anti-cat dogs. Nothing has worked. The rats have become trap shy and I have been unable to catch any rats for weeks. I was very skeptical that your product would work. After reading reviews and being at my whit’s end with being infested I thought the most I could lose was the cost of the trap. I set the trap last night and this morning I found a juvenile dead rat in the trap. Even if this rat went to the traditional traps set it was too small to be caught. However, the Rat Zapper killed him. I would recommend this product for anyone that has been battling an infestation. I know there are mixed reviews on the battery life but it is worth any cost to eliminate this problem. I have reset the zapper with hopes of continued success.

Donna 07/09/2009
If you have a rat problem, you MUST buy the rat zapper. We bought it several years ago and have killed rats both indoors and outdoors, gross but true! It is amazing and so easy and not messy at ALL. We have even loaned it to a friend and they got their little friend in no time. I just used it again myself to kill a rat that is eating up all of my tomoatoes in my garden and it worked like magic. I am buying a new one, because ours is on its last leg, but we have got such great use out of it. Wish I had invented this product! You will not be dissapointed.

Melinda 07/05/2009
So apparently this thing eliminates rats as well! I am the skunk guy, the guy who's only rat Zapper Ultra kill was a medium-sized skunk. My folks live in an area of Pasadena plush with wildlife. Visiting them a few weeks ago, I noticed substantial amounts of rat droppings out back behind their garbage cans. Out of the goodness of my heart, I decided to lend them my Rat Zapper Ultra. I took it over a week ago, showed my stepdad how to set and bait it, and headed home. I showed him how to put a small amount of peanut butter in a small plastic lid, slide it to the back of the trap, and turn on the RZ. Well, a week later, six large DEAD rats and much praise for this unique, efficient rodent-destroying machine. I get a text seemingly every morning from my mom saying "got yet another one..." This machine is simply amazing. Whenever my folks nail another disease carrying rodent, I cannot say I am "shocked." Much love to all my friends at Ratzapper.com.

Chris, Pasadena, CA 07/04/2009
The rats have been eating the wiring in my cars. It got so bad that I had to repair the wires in my car every morning before I could drive to work.

I even went as far as wrapping the wires in asbestos covering and they ate right through that stuff.

I got a Rat zapper classic and was unhappy with the results. I would rebait it and 20 minutes later it would be empty but no rat.

Did some emailing to the Rat Zapper tech people. Cathi said to try a wet rag at the front of the Zapper.

Wet rat feet.

This will make the thing conduct electricity better with the rat being the resistance.

The result has been 2 rats per day and no damaged wires this week!

Chris 07/01/2009
Brilliant Product!

Waterfront house, loads of rat droppings every night. Traps and poison out of the question due to our puppies. Nice if the puppies hunted rats but... guess not.
Bought RapZapper Ultra. Caught ten big rats in two weeks. No mess, no fuss.
Here's the problem - I think the rats are gone but left RapZapper on sentinel duty. Now it's killing roaches. Neat trick but who want to move the fridge every time it kills a roach? Any ideas??

Colin, Bermuda 06/30/2009

A couple of years ago I had a roof rat making a serious mess in a loft area of our garage, So I put out a BIG rat trap that seem to take forever to draw a rat, but when it did – WHAT A MESS! It broke the skin and what look like maggots were coming from the dead rat.

That’s when I looked for a better solution. I bought the Rat zapper, and after 1 or 2 nights of chumming (offering free food in the zapper with it off), I then turned it on and WHAM! There was the blinking light and the tip its long tail sticking out the entrance and NO MESS, I just slid it into a gallon zip-lock and in the garbage the rat went.

Recently I was have mice problems in the shop at work,I have caught 12 mice in the last couple of months. They just slide out and into the dumpster.

HINTS: I use a small piece of the candy called Butterfinger, just a ¼" chunk (with no chocolate on it) and then roll it down to the back, mice are crazy for this candy. If you have some shy “customers” just put a few tiny pieces at the entrance to lead them to the bigger piece – AND make sure it's not in a place where a child could place their hands in there.

Halaman 4 (of 7). Kembali ke Halaman Utama.

Anti Tikus Rat Zapper Testimonial - 5 (of 7)

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Cal-Tom 06/15/2009
tried everything and I mean everything this worked in 24 hours 1 mouse 8 weeks 4 mice thus far great awsome product and I doubt all produts way to go rat zapper you thanks again!!!!!!!

Rye 06/05/2009

I bought the rat zapper a week ago and was sceptical. The shop I bought it from said they had great success with it as their shop sells a lot of bird and chicken food. I thought I will give it a go. I have had over 20 dead mice in it so far. I also recommended it to my friend who has also bought one. The picture is of a mouse I caught that I think was trying to get material to make a nest. It has a feather in it's mouth and I can tell you I cannot get that feather out of it's mouth and that's not for trying.
Lilley Middle Swan Western Australia.

Lilley 06/04/2009
The Rat Zapper Ultra. What can I say other than AWESOME! My girlfriend and I were at the hardware store last week when I spotted this device. I was immediately intrigued, especially after seeing the logo on the side (a cartoon rat with a horrified look on his face). My girlfriend knew I had to have it, and made it an early birthday present.
I set it up in our carport, hoping to zap a rat or two. I have to admit, I had my doubts that the 4 D batteries would be enough to whack a large rat. Those doubts vanished this morning.
I had been trying to catch an annoying skunk in a Havaheart live animal trap for the last 2 weeks. He had been making my life miserable, spraying my apartment at least every other night. Night after night, he snuck into the trap, ate my sardines, and snuck out without tripping the trap. He was toying with me and the trap.
Lastnight, he attempted to toy with the Rat Zapper Ultra. This morning, Animal Control removed his cooked corpse from my property.
It was amazing! I smelled the skunk spray in the middle of the night. I immediately checked my Havaheart trap, empty and baitless. That is when I noticed a flashing red light coming from behind my car. All I could see was a large black and white bushy tail, and my new best friend, the Rat Zapper Ultra.
I thought to myself, "There is NO way this trap could have taken out a medium sized skunk." I was wrong. When the Animal Control officer inspected the scene, and I asked him if the skunk was dead, he responded "Oh...he's dead." The officer was amazed by the trap. He was not familiar with the Zapper. He is now.
I am so pleased with this product, as well as the company and its staff. I would recommend it to anyone.
Let's just say that if you're tired of getting skunked by traditional rat traps, get yourself a Rat Zapper Ultra, and uh, no pun intended.

Chris Curry 06/03/2009
Due to having poultry, caged birds and a vacant block next to me, I have been waging a war against mice for years now. Generally ended up baiting them when their numbers became unbearable. Never liked doing it - it's cruel and risky to pets and wildlife. My neighbour purchased your product on the weekend and was singing it's praises but at $100 a Zapper - I was relucant. Then she visited the next day - she was up to 6 mice in the first day, then 16 the next, so I handed over my $100.
Got one the first night. Second morning came out to discover that the buggers had filled it with sand overnight!
Outsmarted them the third night and was catching one every hour! It's brillant and now the native wildlife are not in danger of being accidently poisoned.

Vicki,Western Australia 05/31/2009
I purchased your Rat Zapper Classic last July because we were being overrun with chipmunks and squirrels. They were digging in flowerbeds and more importantly around the foundation of the house. I read many blogs and forums on how to control them and decided to give the Rat Zapper a try. From the time I received the Zapper until winter set in, I successfully diminished the chipmunk population by 9 and the squirrel population by 5. I just put the Zapper back out for the summer and in just 2 days have managed to get 2 squirrels. I didn't expect the squirrels to climb in the Zapper since it was the smaller Classic version but they did and needless to say, they didn't climb back out. The nice part was all I had to do was dump them out to dispose of them, toss in some more bait, and turn it back on. It doesn't get much simplier than that. Since I use mine outdoors, I keep it wrapped in a gallon size Ziploc bag and wrap a rubber band around it to hold the bag in place and keep any moisture out of the electrical area.

I'm so pleased with your product that I just ordered a second one to give as a gift. Thank you for such as great product!

Mel in Pennsylvania 05/17/2009
I have been seeing more and more rats outside the house and a few weeks ago I started seeing signs of rodents inside the house.

Originally, placing the Rat Zapper Classic did not work, as there were other goodies around and the device was somewhat hidden.

Last night, before activating the device I placed all the food in the fridge and closed the trash. This meant that the easiest meal to get to was in the trap, and it was along the wall so that the mouse can "see" through the other side (instead of seeing a wall, as in the past), instead of sensing a trap.

This morning the red light was blinking and I didn't have to look inside: part of the tail (~5") was sticking out. It was that big.

And the bottom line is: think like a rodent and this thing works!

Mike (West Hollywood, CA) 05/07/2009
I am very pleased that I recieved my rat zapper yesterday. I put some peanut butter in a pop lid and by morning I had a rat. I tried poison but couldn't get rid of all of them, I am very pleased. Thank you rat zapper.

Helena 05/01/2009
My elderly parents had an infestation in their car port. After we bought the rat-zapper and started using it ALL of the rats were eventually captured and zapped. The device is easy to use and especially good
for people who get queasy about the whole subject. This is bloodless, no mess. I cannot say enough good things about this product. It works EVERY TIME!

Patricia 04/22/2009

GREETINGS from the FIRST Indonesian fan of the Rat Zapper. In the photo you can see he'd ike to keep his last supper forever (a yummy KFC skin)

Total Zapped: 15 mice and rats
Record in one-day: 3 zapped

Me and family are so pleased with the Rat Zapper performance! We have never had a rat trap that is so easy to use, hassle-free and effective! And our satisfactions have even brought us the decision to partner with the manufacture & introduce Rat Zapper's to Indonesia.

Fellow zappers!! I would like to invite all of you to join in our Rat Zapper Fan Club on Facebook. The place where we can interact, throw new topics, discuss tricks&tips, upload photo and video, or, even participating in our biggest&baddest: rat contest! :) (On Facebook - search: Rat Zapper)

Come and join in; meet your fellow zappers around the world! And, of course, don't forget to tell your fellow Indonesian and the world how grateful you are to have RAT ZAPPER.

Robby 04/02/2009

This will be number 10 this year.

"They check in, but they don't check out..."

Joseph, Tucson, AZ 04/01/2009
Awesome, effective product! Buy one NOW! I initially set up the "classic rat zapper" with the pet food provided but was unlucky in capturing the rat. I tried a partially-opened Reese's peanut butter cup for the bait and zap! Was I excited about being rid of that nasty pest! I am resetting it today and if there are more of those nasty critters, they will be zapped too!


kat 04/01/2009
These traps are the best ever. The wife and I had an issue with rats making nests under our deck, where we couldn't get to them. Standard traps would be found tripped, the rats are very quick. Set out a couple of these traps and didn't see any activity for a couple weeks, it is very true that rats are completely paranoid about "anything" new (even with food in it). Once we had one rat enter a trap, the others quickly followed until there were none left. I recommend this product to everyone I know, every chance I get.

ChrisC 03/27/2009
Having a husband who has a phobia about rats, it was always a worry where they would appear after being poisoned-not a pleasant surprise to find one underfoot! The ratzapper is wonderful! even though I am the one to dispose of them, I know they have gone! No worries with it even catching mice. Thoroughly recommend it. Have used Lithium batteries.
Thank you
New Zealand

Lorraine Crooks 03/24/2009
I live next to a foothill, and my small gated community is lush with plant life, fruit trees and swimming pools. It is a farmer's market for the roof rats. They scurry all over the place at night and leave droppings everywhere. My next door neighbor felt that we could team up and win the battle. I was sqeemish about committing to rat patrol with her, but she ordered two Rat Zapper Ultra boxes. I finally put mine out after having it sit in my garage for a couple months (again, squeemish, chicken sh**). One word: UNBELIEVABLE!!! How in the world could there be so many rats?! I am becoming desensitized to the gross ritual of dumping the rat each morning (at first I contemplated by the box for 5 minutes - not a pretty sight before your morning coffee). I have caught one EVERY SINGLE NIGHT - except for two nights - since the second night I put the box out. I think the reason for those two misses is because the rats were leary the first night, and the second miss was because I needed to clean it (it was buzzing but no rat). So in nine days I have caught 1 mouse and 6 rats. FYI, I have a system. Each morning I sweep the rat droppings off the ledges where the trap is so that I know if a rat came by (when the trap is still empty). That is how I knew something was wrong with the box when I saw droppings but no rat catch - I cleaned the box.

I read where you offer a monitor station where you can set several out without checking. I just got another Ultra in the mail and if I end up emptying two boxes each morning I am going to order even more, including the montor station.

Keep up the good work - great technology!

P.S. It is true that if it buzzes when you reset it, just turn the unit off and clean it (thick damp paper towels on the end of a stick).

T in Escondido 03/20/2009
I got my Rat Zapper Ultra last August to help remedy my pack rat situation. The pack rats scour the neighborhood for anything they can carry, and hide it under MY grill. Not sure why; I guess they're bored. Anyway, this Rat Zapper Ultra is fantastic. I zapped 10 rats up until around November, when it seemed pack rat season had ended for the year. But last week (early March) it started again. I've zapped 2 in the past week.

I finally feel smarter than the pack rats..

Joseph 03/06/2009
This is the best product hands down.
I live in Houston and it has caught three roof rats for me over 2 years. I've sealed my house, called two pest companies, put out traps and still they find ways into my attic. The Rat Zapper is a terrific investment and it is saving me heartache and frustration.

I recommend it to everyone.
Thank you for an awesome product!
-Houston, TX

Dad with 2 small children 02/24/2009
It took months to finally zap a garage rat (got many mice), but it worked. I'm very pleased. Mr. Rat looked like he went on to his next life quickly.

Ratophobe 02/22/2009
I live near an open field and the rats are non-stop. My neighbor and I both have Rat Zappers and catch 3-4 per week between us. Since we don't want to use poison (which might kill other local wildlife) this method has been excellent.

At one point, the rats had found a way into the attic area above our house. The scratching was becoming irritating, We put the Rat Zapper up there, used the Rat Tail for ease of monitoring, and caught that filthy little guy in a couple of days.

No glue-no snap traps- no blood or guts. Done.

Mark V. 02/20/2009
First off the gal that I spoke to today at around 9am western time was wonderful, give that girl a raise!
Second, I just love your product. It is the best out there. Every one should know about this product that has any rodent problem. Your Rat Zap saved me, I tried everything. After returning home from being away for two years, there was a rat infestation, I tried everything, nothing worked. I found you guys on the internet, ordered your blue zapper and it has been wonderful.
I didn't need it for awhile, put it away "stupidly" without washing it. I could not get it to work with new batteries, so called and the gal I talked recomended washing first and then new batteries. I'm trying this. I recomend your product to all who are in need.
Thank you!!!

Laura 02/03/2009
One morning I found the dog's marrow bone on the floor (pushed down from table!) with a huge hole chewed in plastic bag covering it and marrow gnawed out. This was a couple of days after I'd seen what looked like a mouse scurrying across kitchen floor very late at night.

I'd seen a few "mouse droppings" in the area as well over a couple of days.

Went to OSH home store and bought some glue traps -- no success; creature walked right across them -- I could see the footprints!!! How'd THAT happen?

Got some glue boards and more traps plus a few spring traps. Also decided to spend the $$ for a Rat Zapper Ultra. Looked like a good idea.

Set it all up and waited -- one, two, three and more days/nights passed. I'd see some droppings around but that was all. Drat!

Finally one day I noted the rodent must've been gnawing on a bar of fine French soap in laundry room -- little chewed areas around the edges. I figured I'd set the Zapper nearby, using the soap shavings in a bottle cap as bait.

Next morning -- whoa!! The lovely red light was flashing in the a.m. and I braced myself for what might be inside. Well, it was a mouse of some sort -- totally stiff, no bodily fluids to clean up -- neat and easy. Dumped him into a trash bag and took at once to outdoor trash can.

I highly recommend Rat Zapper Ultra and think I'll get a second one. It's been a full week now and no more signs of activity though I still set all traps (at night only as my dog has no access to that area at night) and keep Rat Zapper "on" 24/7.

I keep hearing that if you think you have one rodent you probably have more so I am taking no chances. Three cheers for Rat Zapper! I had no luck at all until purchasing it so I highly recommend it as opposed to an exterminator and poisons.

Carol 01/06/2009
Today I got a call from a friend who hired my former pest control company to help eliminate the rats in her garage. After two weeks, he finally suggested she call me to find out what I had used since he wasn't having a whole lot of luck!!

She called the hardware store and they were out so she ordered TWO!

Rat Zapper strikes again! At this rate, pest control companies will soon be an endangered species! lol

Mary Jo, Cloverdale CA 01/05/2009
I don't remember just when I got my Zapper, but it has only been around a month. First I was catching mice.....9 so far. Then the weather turned not only wet, but cold, and the last 3 catches have been rats. I don't know what the power is kicked up to from the batteries (I have the classic), but the last rat released some of his body fluids and when I tried to reset the zapper I could hear this buzzing and see this arc from the center plate to the outer plate. Just from observing that electrical arc, I wouldn't want to try touching it myself.

Halaman 5 (of 7). Kembali ke Halaman Utama.

Jebakan Tikus Rat Zapper Testimonial - 6 (of 7)

Halaman 6 (of 7). Kembali ke Halaman Utama.

Larry in California 12/28/2008
I live out of town ...lots of hay fields around.. the mice would get under my mobile.. tried poisoning them...then they'd die under there and smell awful.. then mice traps...that was awful..I would throw the whole trap away..didn't want to take them out..had to get brave and reach in and get them out.... Now I DON'T have to.. I put the rat tail by the inside of the back door... when it blinks I go dump it... so much easier then the other stuff..works GREAT! I've had it for 2years.. just have to change the batteries.. it's well worth the money!!!

Karen from Whitefish Montana 12/22/2008
My house is next to a wooded area and I also have bird feeders around the hosse. Every 1-2 months we get a mouse who takes up residence, and in the past we have used the victor mouse traps to catch them. I also plugged in the ultra sonic Black-and Decker device that is supposed to drive away the mice in every room. Victor traps worked better than the ultra-sonic device, except my problem was 1) killing the trapped mice, b) cleaning their poop and pee from inside the trap. So inevitably we threw the traps away after they became dirty.

I had been eyeing the ratzapper for some time but did not buy because of their high price. Last week I saw a mouse run from my living room to the basement - and I saw droppings in the basement. I ordered the ratzapper and the day after I set it up I saw the light blink. There was no blood, poo or pee in the trap, just a dead stiff mouse. Disposed him off in the woods - it was great. Baited the trap once again, and the second mouse was dead the next day. I am going to move the zapper in the garage after a few days, and I think every few weeks I am going to set it up just to see what I catch.

The worse thing about a rat/mouse infestation is that their droppings are everywhere and carry all kinds of bacteria and germs and the amount of cleaning and disinfecting of all surfaces that one has to do even after getting rid of the rodents costs a fortune in time and money. I have had to throw away every bit of food that was not securely sealed in plastic or metal containers from my pantry last time a mouse was seen in the kitchen.

So - even though the trap is expensive, I give it a thumbs up for -- ease of setting up, 2)attracting the mice 3) killing with no mess 4)and ease of disposal.

Anonymous on the net 12/18/2008
A few weeks ago our attic started sounding like Caltrans was building a new freeway through our house. Every night there was scurrying scratching etc. I didn't want to use poison for all the reasons listed on other posts here. I didn't know what I was going to do because I had no attic access to the area above our bedroom that was being used as a playground. Then I remembered that I had installed ceiling speakers during the last remodel. I decided to try the Rat Zapper Ultra after verifying the dimensions would fit through the speaker hole. I put up the Zapper with the optional Rat Tail. I baited it with cat food. First night - nothing. Second night we heard a buzz and the Rat Tail lit up, one dead rat. Second night - Buzz without the Rat Tail light. I checked it and had a chewed Rat Tail cord and a dead rat. Third Day - Another dead rat. Third night - fourth dead rat. Here's the other odd thing. The rats don't seem to be bothered by their dead cousins. They just went around them and ate the bait.

This thing is the best thing made for killing rats. I'm thinking about getting another one to expedite the end of the rat construction. I only wish they would have put a steel braid on the rat tail.

Doug in Long Beach, CA 12/11/2008
Late November of this year, I heard a guy on the radio touting the virtues of this product. He said there was a Classic Rat Zapper and the Ultra Model, he suggested the latter. We have not had a known rodent problem but with this being the first winter without a cat, I bought one (and then bought 4 more as gifts). Michelle didn't like the concept of killing and recounted the times as a kid when she freed mice from traps (her parents had to work harder to love her at these times). I received the Ultra and set it up in the garage just to test the market. A few days later, Michelle called me at work and said there was an orange in the kitchen which had been gnawed on and she saw a rat or mouse in our bedroom (yuck). I said I would come home and set-up the thing and she begrudgingly agreed. While Michelle sat upright in bed watching TV, I set-up the box under our bed and placed the LED indicator next to the TV. While coming to bed with some food, I saw one of God's little creatures shoot from our closet to under our bed (Michelle was warming up to the idea of the RatZapper). It was a full sized rat, grey, yuck. I danced a quick jig in my whitey-tighties and jumped into bed. We have some boxes etc under our bed so what was I to do? Reenact a Tom and Jerry episode; tear the room apart, corner it and bludgeon it with a broom handle?...not this pussy-foot. Several times as we sat in bed watching TV, we heard it scratching around or mumbling to itself after he bumped his head on the bed frame (This rat was either a plumber or sailor). Anyway, a few minutes later, we heard a click and the indicator lights were flashing. Had this product been available in the 50s, there would only be one Tom and Jerry episode.

Jeff in Dallas 12/07/2008
I live in NYC, aka mouse heaven. I've had the occasional mouse show up in my apartment, but lately, it seems like they have taken over.
Even when the place is spotless, they still show up.

Within 5 minutes of my husband setting up the rat zapper, a mouse was caught! I'm so happy with this product! Worth every penny!!
2 more were caught during the course of the first night. I can walk around my apartment like I'm the boss and not the mouse.

Reynelle 11/29/2008
A friend loaned me her Rat Zapper Ultra last winter and we caught 10 mice in total. I was very impressed with how well it worked to get rid of the mice.

This winter, same problem. I finally purchased one and was both disgusted and thrilled to have caught a total of 12 in the first two days. The last mouse was caught on day three. The mice have officially been eradicated.

I cannot sing the praises of the Rat Zapper enough. I have told many friends and neighbors about it. This is the best thing around to get rid of your critters. For anyone who is considering purchasing one, I say BUY IT!

Sue, CT 11/17/2008
Hi from smoky Santa Barbara.

My story is simple: I left the bag of birdseed and another of granola in the basement, forgetting to bring them up into the house.


My local rat community, knowing a good thing when they see it, moved right in.

I didn't want to poison them or snap them. Ugh. It's not that I didn't want to see them, um, expired, but I didn't want cruelty or maiming.

So I found the Rat Zapper Ultra on Ebay and after reading a bit about it, bought one. It arrived on Saturday and I set it up.

Like you said, it takes a couple of days for the rats to get used to a new thing in "their" territory, but on the second night we heard it zap and we got one.

As an old electronics engineer, I wasn't sure you could take six volts and boost it with enough voltage and amperage to kill a large rodent. I needn't have worried, that rat was dead. Dumped into a plastic bag and reset, we caught another the next night, then two the next day.

So far, we've eliminated six in four days. Wow!

So I wanted you to know how good this thing is, and how much I appreciate that you built your business over on The Ave.


Mark 11/15/2008
I just wanted to let you all know that the rat zapper has been terrific....I just caught our 15th rat today!

Here's a quick little video comment with more information:


- Kevin

Kevin 11/08/2008
Roof work on my apartment building brought a VERY unwanted visitor - a rat! Glue traps did nothing and I did not want to use snap traps or poison. This afternoon, I purchased the Rat Zapper at a neighborhood hardware store. When I came home I saw a mouse running through my living room. I was pissed! I set up the trap at 8:00PM and the red light was blinking at 3:30am. No more mouse. The rat is next. Thanks Rat Zapper!

Danielle 10/30/2008
I have tried many different methods for getting rid of mice. The spring traps I had been buying were of poor quality and not effective. Finally, someone recommended the Rat Zapper to me. It works perfectly. I bait it with one Reeses Pieces cut in half and it does the job. I turn it on before I go to bed and in the morning, the red light is blinking. It's the easiest, cleanest, most effective method I've ever used!

Philip, New York, NY 10/24/2008
Came Back to the RatZapper

I had two of the original ratzappers a few years ago that worked very well.

Unfortunately, I neglected them and they began to corrode when subjected to the elements.

I reverted back to poisons etc. (dumb move) and was not successful. The odors of decaying mice in the walls makes me sick. No more!

We live in a large home in the woods and get all kinds of mice moving in this time of year.

I purposed in my mind, that I was going to rid these critters correctly this year. So, I recently bought a Ratzapper Ultra from the local hardware.

I am very happy (again), and have now cleaned out my fifth kill in a very short-span of time. Approximately, at a rate of 1 per day now. I know that there are more of these rascals left.

Thanks to AgrZap, I now have the appropriate 'shocking' welcome waiting for the rest of the clan.

Kevin B.
Western Michigan

BTW: I've noticed that there are fewer escapees with the Ultra model. Excellent product!

Kevin Barrett 10/23/2008
Awesome product. It works, works, works! I catch chipmunks with no bait. They are so curious that they just go in the Rat Zapper to check it out and then ZAP! I've seen them go in while I'm standing 10 feet away. Worked perfectly on the mice in the attic, too. A little peanut butter on a saltine and, well you guessed it. Two mice in 24 hours. No mess. Couldn't be easier to setup. Reclaim your home. Get the Rat Zapper and get peace of mind.

Happy Zapper 10/19/2008
I purchased my RAT ZAPPER yesterday. I set it up that evening. I woke up in the middle of the night to find a blinking red light on the zapper. Sure enough, there was a deader than dead mouse. Woke up to get some water a couple hours later and to my surprise the light was blinking again! After waking up and walking my dog, I noticed that there was a third catch! I am extremely impressed with this unit. I had no idea it would perform so wonderfully. I think this product far exceeds poison and glue traps. Especially in that it kills the rodents for you so all you have to do is dispose of it and reset your Zapper. Best product if you have a mouse or rat problem...

Donte Pollins 10/16/2008
I never realized how great my fear of rodents was until I spotted one scurrying around my small New York studio apartment. For over a month and a half, I used traditional mouse traps, baited sticky boards, mice cubes - nothing worked. After spotting the freaky little thing one afternoon ON TOP OF MY KITCHEN COUNTER, I was at my wits end. I purchased the rat zapper and within 24 hours my unwanted roommate was caught! Thank you so much for this product! Because of it, I have my life back.

Jessica The Ratslayer 10/15/2008
Hi, I called your customer service about 2 weeks ago and asked for help because I was frustrated at not having caught anything after weeks of trying to use the zapper, although it was very clear that a rat was hanging out in my house and eating the dog's food. I had placed the trap near the hole where the rat was coming in the house and the rat just ran right past it on the way to the food. The customer service rep told me to check the trap, which I did- it was working fine; and to move it. That did the trick: I put it next to where the dog eats his food, and in the morning there was a very, very long tail hanging out of the trap and the light was blinking. The next night, I heard more scratching in the wall (darn- thought there was just one in the house!) and put the trap in the same place again. Sure enough, got that guy the next morning. Just in case, I put it out again the third night, and in the morning there was a smaller rat in there. No more scratching, missing dog food, or rodent droppings in the house. Your product really works.

Marcy, CA 10/05/2008
After trying several methods of getting rid of our rat problem, I finally found the Rat Zapper on line. It worked better than anything we had ever tried, plus it seemed the most humane. We've loaned it out to many neighbors now that our rat problem is taken care of, and it's still circulating around the neighborhood. Thanks for such a great solution.

Marina Martinov 09/20/2008
I bought two rat zappers at the "tail" end of a bad problem last February. I set one out in the crawl space as a preventative measure. Sure enough, it stood guard for months, until today...blink...blink...with a queasy feeling I went into the crawl space, and sure enough, one dead rat!

It really does work...thanks for keeping watch rat zapper!

Jim 09/12/2008
I have been using the classic rat zapper for about 5 years and just purchased 2 more with the rat tale monitors. These are the greatest and simplest rodent traps ever.
I have had great success with them and highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for an easy way to eliminate rodents from your home. Thanks Rrat Zapper!!!

Louie, Ma. 09/07/2008
I submitted a testimonial a few months ago after purchasing a Rat Zapper Ultra. My rat count is now up to twenty-two, and I'm still on my original set of batteries. I had to stop zapping rats for awhile because my wife thought the baby rats were too cute to zap. Now that they're grown, she isn't so fond of them. The rats are smart, though. After a week or so of using the Rat Zapper in the same place, they start avoiding it, or bury it with dirt. Then I have to move it and just bait it for a few days with the unit off. That's usually enough to gain their trust and I start zapping all over again. I am impressed day after day by how well this unit works. I can also testify about the humane way it kills the rats. I was out in the barn when I heard a small zap sound. I looked in the unit immediately, and there was a deader than dead rat. Elapsed time from hearing the zap and looking in the unti was probably less than thirty seconds. That sure beats any other method I've tried. No blood, no mess, no suffering. This is the product I'm using from now on.

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