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Pembasmi Tikus Rat Zapper Testimonial - 4 (of 7)

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Larrie- MI 10/17/2009
My rat zapper classic lasted 13 years before dying, but I would by another one for sure. I got my money's worth and then some! Not once did it fail to do the job. I recommend them all the time to people who tell about endless rodent problems. The rat zapper cures all:) !

BikerDave,IN 09/28/2009
We have had an infestation of chipmunks around our townhouse and while a few might be considered cute, a whole herd of them are not since they can be quite destructive. At the suggestion of a friend, I bought a Rat Zapper Ultra to deal with the problem. This is one of the greatest inventions,since as they say, sliced bread. So far, I have zapped 30 of them. No fuss, no muss, just dead. I found that bird seed is deadly as a bait. Thought you might like to know that this thing really works.

Richard W. 09/28/2009
Wow! I baited mine with Koi pellets in my garage and walked away to set another one by the time I set it and went to look at the first one I already saw the light flashing and found a large rat in it. Amazingly fast and I don't have to worry about blood or where they may die.

T 09/13/2009
I tried using a live trap and relocating the pests. Chipmunks came back. After damage to garden, lawn and garage intrusion by munks I live trapped a munk and put the trap into a water barrel. The munk actually forced the trap open and treaded water for minutes. Not a pleasant sight. Then I put my brand new rat zapper ultra out with a few sunflower seeds in it and the next morning a munk was terminated instantly. I am a retired electrical engineer and am very impressed with the technology, quality of construction and affordable price of the rat zapper ultra. I taught high voltage electrical safety classes to electricians and with my knowledge of electrocution effects I can say that the rodent "doesn't know what hit them". It is as humane as it can be. For outdoor garden use be sure to get the accessory enclosure for the ultra since even morning dew needs to be protected against.

Jim in Wisconsin 09/09/2009
We live in the foothills of southern CA, next to undeveloped land, so have continual source of varmits. Also, lots of livestock so rats love it here. It got to point I could not even grow fruit or tomatoes - they chewed it all. I heard about the Ratzapper, and rushed to hardware store and bought the Ultra. Let me tell you it is worth every penny!! We zapped 6 the first day! Since then, it is on nearly all the time. Then we discovered it solved another one of our long-term problems - ground squirrels. So far this summer the zapper has got every squirrel that has come into the yard. We use chicken feed for bait. Works every time. Thank you Ratzapper!

KC 09/03/2009

As a computer engineer I was skeptical of your product but am now convinced it works! Here in the Southwest Neotoma Mexicana (pack rat or wood rat) is a reservoir species for Yersinia Pestis, the bacterium that causes bubonic plague. We had a pack rat coming too close to the house (as evidenced by droppings) which concerned me because of the potential health risk (from fleas the rats typically carry). I set the Rat Zapper Ultra trap with whole peanuts (with shells). I tied a bundle of three peanuts with a rubber-band and secured the bundle with fishing line in the back of the trap, and set two loose peanuts in the front, on the advice of my neighbor who gave me the trap. It worked the very first time around, early the next morning about 7 hours later I could see the flashing red light out the window of the house. Thanks for a great product that worked successfully for me for rodent control. Another thing I like about your product is the ability to tip the dead rodent out of the trap onto the ground without handling and then use a shovel for removal.

Nick 09/03/2009

First, I must say that I have never written a testimonial for a product, but I am in love with the Rat Zapper Ultra! I purchased it about three years ago when I had a single rat in the house, I tried every kind of trap... this rat was just too smart. Anyone who has ever had a rat in there house knows the insanity you can feel about catching it. It took about 3 days for the Rat Zapper to zap it... I was so excited to see that red light blinking.

I recently saw a rat run across my patio (too close to the house), so I dug out the Rat Zapper from the garage (still stored in the box... I had only used it that one time in the house). I set the trap with peanut butter and a couple pieces of dry dog food, I didn't even change the three year old batteries and within an hour that red light was blinking! It was a huge rat about 14" long... disgusting! In the last 3 days I have caught 9 more (8 were young ones). Last night I caught 4 within a two hour time frame! Can't wait to see how many I catch tonight!

Chris - Woodland Hills, CA 09/03/2009
Living in NYC in an 1830's townhouse we had a lot of mice, with a newborn my wife was not pleased. Our landlord had an exterminator come once a month and for 12 months he set sticky traps, regular traps etc and didn't catch one mouse. During that same time period one Zapper caught 20 mice! Your product is amazing I recommend it always; although vermin aren't a fun topic...
Mark NY NY

Mark Thomas 08/31/2009
My husband has been in a battle all summer with some rats and squirrels who have been ruining our tomatoes. After trying everything, our local Green Thumb Nursery Counselor told him about The Rat Zapper.

If you'd like to hear the ten minute audio version of this story, go to bfconline.org and click on messages & podcasts and look under The Passionate Life: Revenge 8/29-30. Daniel is a pastor at Bible Fellowship Church, Ventura and used The Rat Zapper in his message this past weekend. Thanks to The Rat Zapper, we've had revenge on three fat rats and one very large squirrel!

Lori Hahn 08/25/2009
Had a major infestion of chipmunks in my yard this summer - all was fine and dandy until they started chewing their way into my garage and digging burrows around all the basement window wells of my house. I purchased the Ultra Rat Zapper model to start thinning the herd, and so far it has worked like a champ! Great product, highly recommended by this very satisfied customer.

Rod in Iowa 08/25/2009
These things are GREAT! I live on a 120 acres and the house is very old. It used to be mouse central.

Not any more.

There's a new sheriff in town!

rlf 08/19/2009
We love the RZ.. We have tried everything, Truly Nolen, Lloyds Pest Control, and they would keep putting the traps out. Yes, we did catch rats, but then I had to deal with the leftovers.. I put the RZ out 2 nights ago and within 2 hours we had 4 rats. We keep going back to check it, but nothing yet. I know we have more so we will be patient. thanks for a great product.

Kathy SD, CA 08/04/2009
We have had an infestation of ground squirrels this summer. Using poisions was out of the question because of our dog, cats, and chickens. After purchasing the rat zapper and some loganberry paste, we successfully killed 5 ground squirrels in two days! We are still on the hunt and hope to wipe out the residents close to our house.Thanks for a great product! Linda, CA

linda 08/04/2009
yup, lots of dead mice in our house. we tried several kinds traps, but nothing caught or killed even one mouse. none of them were the old school spring-loaded variety (i wanted them gone or dead, but i can't be that cruel). the bait we used was peanut butter. absolutely zero effectiveness. i didn't even find evidence that a mouse had set off a trap but got away. nada.

then we got a rat zapper. problem solved. we thought we had two mice. uh... no. more like seven. it caught the first one in under 12 hours. over maybe a week or so, they were all smoked.

i think part of the effectiveness of the rat zapper is that the business end of it is not completely enclosed; mice can't get out it, but light can get in. just about every mousetrap that is not the spring type asks the mouse to step into a room with absolutely no ambient light. complete darkness. if you're reading this, you're a mammal just like mice. would you do that? i wouldn't. the rat zapper lets them see the food (bait). therefore, bzzzzzzt!

you can go to the store and buy all sorts of whiz-bang traps that say they will do this and that. or you can buy poison that is debatably effective... but takes days to work and produces a mess that's, oh, such a joy to clean up.

or you can buy a rat zapper and save yourself a lot of headaches. speaking from experience, you will spend just as much money on worthless traps as you will on a rat zapper. they just aren't worth the time, effort, or cash.

start here, end here.

greggar 08/01/2009

August 1, 2009
Dublin, CA

Had tried everything after dealing with rats in my garage on and off for years...Then discovered my Corvette fuel injection wiring chewed to bits....AND THE WAR WAS ON.

Got the Ultra Zapper, and first put 4 regular D batteries in, and nothing happened for a week. Then I got ALKALINE D batteries, and the past week have gotten 12 disgusting rats!

I use a tiny wad of chunky peanut butter on a 1" square of paper, and have gotten RED LIGHTS blinking within 15 minutes of loading it! So easy to just dump them and be done with it. I've saved a fortune on traps.

As a woman living alone, I hated the snap traps and the GORE...With the Ultra Zapper, it is so easy---Now I just dump them and reload!!

I was sick of dealing with conventional methods that didn't seem to work, and after so many RATS the past few weeks, I must have gotten the entire Von Rat family and every relative they had....AND STILL GOING!

Just take a look at the fat one that met his maker tonight! (see attached) YUCK!!! This one was Unlucky Number 13.

Best money I ever spent, I tell everyone to get one, you guys ROCK!!!

Dawn 07/29/2009
OMG I purchased 2 Ratzapper Ultras for my barn, after using the poison, traps etc. and within 4 days I have been rid of 10 rats, big and little !!!! Unbelievable product. No fuss ...no mess.... just works. I followed the directions for the first 2 days by baiting the traps and not turning them on to get the rats attention. Once I noticed that the little bit of horse grain I was using had been disturbed, I started turning on the machines. I also do not even turn my zappers on during the day to save on the batteries.
These things are FABULOUS !!!

Peggy 07/29/2009
I left some chocolate chip cookies on the front seat of my dump truck after work one day. When I returned to work the next day I saw the signs that I knew oh too well, the plastic bag was ripped in the corner and my cookies were a late night snack. I actually laughed and picked up my rat zapper at my house during the day. I left for the night with my rat zapper on the floor of the cab with my favorite choice of cat food inside. Yea I was like a little kid at christmas as I ran to my truck the next day. Then I did my little victory dance when I saw that red light flashing. The rat zapper is the better mouse trap and remember the only good mouse is a dead mouse.

Jerome 07/25/2009
Live on ten acres and spent a thousands of dollars on landscaping only for it to be torn up by all the chipmunks on my property. They have gotten so bad that their burrows are weakening my boulder retention walls and the boulders are moving a lot.

I have spent at least $500 in the past year on rat poison, bait, traps, sticky pads, smoker sticks, etc.

I don't know if I have the record or not, but the RAT Zapper has been a great think for me so far. I have zapped 15 chipmunks in 2 days! I only bought one of the Ultra zappers, but my wife is now complaining to me that I get too excited when I see that red light start blinking! I wish I would have bought 2 or three so I can wipe out the family of these little pests faster.

Great product and I would recommend to everyone w a chimpmunk or mouse problem.


Tom in Davisburg, Michigan 07/25/2009
I agree w/ one of the previous messages. After a kill and if the machine keeps buzzing when you reset it, make sure to clean it out very good as some times the droppings from the small animals get stuck in there. Had it happen a few times and once i cleaned it out, we were Zapping again. I wish I would have invented this product. Simple yet VERY effective.

Tom in Davisburg, MI 07/24/2009
Wow. Wednesday night I vowed to do something about our rat problem. We have a big yard, lots of vegetation, including about 2000SF of English Ivy. Every night I sit in my office and can hear rustling all around the pool up on the hill. If I go outside, I am assured at least one sighting as they race across the patio. Just too much. I happened on the Rat Zapper. Could not believe all the testimonials both here and elsewhere. These guys must have worked for weeks to post all those messages, I thought, but I checked out the HOW TO BUY section, found one at my favorite Ace Hardware on University Ave. in San Diego and picked one up last night.

I had put a couple Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce almonds out by the BBQ. We had been cooking a lot lately, and there was a tray on the ground to catch any drips. Tuesday morning I went out and saw little greasy footprints that turned out to be those of big fat rats. The almonds were gone within an hour so...upon arriving home and arming our new Rat ZAPPER, I put one nut near the greasy pan, one an inch inside the RZ, and one in the back. I couldn't wait, so I turned it on too.

Within 20 minutes, the first nut was gone. Went out 40 minutes later, and the one at the front of the Rat Zapper was gone. An hour later I was going to bed and told my wife that if she saw a red light blinking, we had a Zapped rat. She said "The light is blinking!!!" Son of a gun, we had our first big fat dead rat. Dumped him in the trash...sounded like a brick.

Popped a few more Wasabi nuts out there and went to bed. It is now 7:00 a.m., and I just dumped ANOTHER bigger, fatter rat brick in the trash. Three more nuts now. We'll see if they go to the rat hotel in the day time.

Thank you RAT ZAPPER...this is just great!!!


Cogito 07/22/2009
First I have never sent in a review on any product I purchased and have always read product reviews with skepticism. However, I have been fighting a rat problem for months with little success. I have baited traps, used the sonic repellers, and put out poison. I can not get barn cats due to two anti-cat dogs. Nothing has worked. The rats have become trap shy and I have been unable to catch any rats for weeks. I was very skeptical that your product would work. After reading reviews and being at my whit’s end with being infested I thought the most I could lose was the cost of the trap. I set the trap last night and this morning I found a juvenile dead rat in the trap. Even if this rat went to the traditional traps set it was too small to be caught. However, the Rat Zapper killed him. I would recommend this product for anyone that has been battling an infestation. I know there are mixed reviews on the battery life but it is worth any cost to eliminate this problem. I have reset the zapper with hopes of continued success.

Donna 07/09/2009
If you have a rat problem, you MUST buy the rat zapper. We bought it several years ago and have killed rats both indoors and outdoors, gross but true! It is amazing and so easy and not messy at ALL. We have even loaned it to a friend and they got their little friend in no time. I just used it again myself to kill a rat that is eating up all of my tomoatoes in my garden and it worked like magic. I am buying a new one, because ours is on its last leg, but we have got such great use out of it. Wish I had invented this product! You will not be dissapointed.

Melinda 07/05/2009
So apparently this thing eliminates rats as well! I am the skunk guy, the guy who's only rat Zapper Ultra kill was a medium-sized skunk. My folks live in an area of Pasadena plush with wildlife. Visiting them a few weeks ago, I noticed substantial amounts of rat droppings out back behind their garbage cans. Out of the goodness of my heart, I decided to lend them my Rat Zapper Ultra. I took it over a week ago, showed my stepdad how to set and bait it, and headed home. I showed him how to put a small amount of peanut butter in a small plastic lid, slide it to the back of the trap, and turn on the RZ. Well, a week later, six large DEAD rats and much praise for this unique, efficient rodent-destroying machine. I get a text seemingly every morning from my mom saying "got yet another one..." This machine is simply amazing. Whenever my folks nail another disease carrying rodent, I cannot say I am "shocked." Much love to all my friends at Ratzapper.com.

Chris, Pasadena, CA 07/04/2009
The rats have been eating the wiring in my cars. It got so bad that I had to repair the wires in my car every morning before I could drive to work.

I even went as far as wrapping the wires in asbestos covering and they ate right through that stuff.

I got a Rat zapper classic and was unhappy with the results. I would rebait it and 20 minutes later it would be empty but no rat.

Did some emailing to the Rat Zapper tech people. Cathi said to try a wet rag at the front of the Zapper.

Wet rat feet.

This will make the thing conduct electricity better with the rat being the resistance.

The result has been 2 rats per day and no damaged wires this week!

Chris 07/01/2009
Brilliant Product!

Waterfront house, loads of rat droppings every night. Traps and poison out of the question due to our puppies. Nice if the puppies hunted rats but... guess not.
Bought RapZapper Ultra. Caught ten big rats in two weeks. No mess, no fuss.
Here's the problem - I think the rats are gone but left RapZapper on sentinel duty. Now it's killing roaches. Neat trick but who want to move the fridge every time it kills a roach? Any ideas??

Colin, Bermuda 06/30/2009

A couple of years ago I had a roof rat making a serious mess in a loft area of our garage, So I put out a BIG rat trap that seem to take forever to draw a rat, but when it did – WHAT A MESS! It broke the skin and what look like maggots were coming from the dead rat.

That’s when I looked for a better solution. I bought the Rat zapper, and after 1 or 2 nights of chumming (offering free food in the zapper with it off), I then turned it on and WHAM! There was the blinking light and the tip its long tail sticking out the entrance and NO MESS, I just slid it into a gallon zip-lock and in the garbage the rat went.

Recently I was have mice problems in the shop at work,I have caught 12 mice in the last couple of months. They just slide out and into the dumpster.

HINTS: I use a small piece of the candy called Butterfinger, just a ¼" chunk (with no chocolate on it) and then roll it down to the back, mice are crazy for this candy. If you have some shy “customers” just put a few tiny pieces at the entrance to lead them to the bigger piece – AND make sure it's not in a place where a child could place their hands in there.

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