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Scott Kelley, WA 08/28/2008
The woman who answered the customer service line is correct, the ratzapper ultra IS big enough for squirrels! Thanks to RatZapper I just harvested three dozen strawberries out of my garden - last year I got three total. This product delivers results! Thank you!
Ruby 08/28/2008
(Below Is An Email Sent Our President)
Hello Bob,
You may not remember me but about 4 years ago I was helping you design an offgrid system for New Zealand. Anyway, just recently after dealing with much destructive behavior from some rats and mice I came across your Ratzapper at our local Peaceful Valley Farm supply. Let me just say how thankful I am that your product exists as nothing else was getting them and they were eating everything in my garden as well as all of the wiring in my Airstream. Every night that it's set it kills one. I just bought my second Ratzapper classic today and hope to order an Ultra model soon.
Thank you so much for inventing such a useful product. I hope that your offgrid system is doing well. Take care,
Nick 08/27/2008
I never had a clue that I had rats at the beach until my dog's food started disappearing.
My RatZapper kills all my rats as well as my neighbor's rats. There is no end it seems! In this latest streak I'm up to 4 rats in three days.
Attached is a photo of the last moment of last night's rat using my Moultrie night vision camera.
BTW, if you put the Rat Zapper on the ground it gets the mice. I eliminate rats when the zapper is placed up high on my wood pile.
Will in San Diego 08/27/2008
Within the first five nights, the Rat Zapper eliminated 8 of Chicago's finest city rats. These guys are smart and the peanut butter and dog food has not lured them in the last few nights...I hope the rats feel like chicken tonight! Great product, extremely effective.
Chicago Rats 08/26/2008
Like many other people, I tried everything to get rid of the roof rats that managed to get into my kitchen and eat my dogs food and drink his water. These little critters were getting bold and I eyewitnessed them feeding and drinking from the dogs bowls in broad daylight without a care.
I had used conventional spring traps that somehow the rats would get the bait without the trap going off. When they did go off it sometimes left a blood bath massacre scene all over my walls and floor. Disgusting and quite disturbing to me and my kids; not to mention that one time my curious dog got his nose snapped. I had tried glue traps and would find knawd off tails and limbs. I was very frustrated. I wanted them gone but I am kind to all animals and did not want to torture them either.
I purchased a Victor electronic rat trap and followed the instructions. The clever little rats would go in and eat the bait, set off the detector and somehow get away alive. Now I was angry. Those Victor traps cost me $80 for two. The sensor works great, but it didn't kill a darn thing.
I did more research on the internet and found Rat Zapper. I located a local distributer and went and bought two units. I went home and set the two Rat Zappers in exactly the same location as I had the Victor traps. I re-boxed the Victor traps and returned them to Home Depot. By the time I got home I had already killed my first rat. I dumped the critter into a bag and placed it in the outdoor trash. I re-baited the trap, set it and went to the bathroom. By the time I came back, about 3 minutes, there was the red flashing light again. No way....rat number two.
Thank you Rat Zapper. A clean, humane way to get rid of these pests that actually works. I am sold on your product.
RF, CA. 08/21/2008
I have been having problems in my garden with Chipmunks eating my tomato's until i got a Rat Zapper. This product worked great to solve the problem i would highly recommend this to anyone with this problem. I used sunflower seeds for the bait and it did the rest. I also got squirrels.
Wizard 08/18/2008
It took a while, and a few re-positioning attmepts, but the "smart" city rats finally ventured into the trap and ate the bait (chicken in this case). The next night, I turned it on - whamo! I am up to 5 rats so far.
My advice, get one and be patient. They really do work!
Chi-town zapper 08/12/2008
Wow! You have no idea how happy I am.
I have NEVER had mice before and the little pest moved into my apartment...droppings, chewed through food bags, yuck!
I bought a rat trap. No good.
I bought a smaller mouse trap. No good.
I bought poison. No good.
I bought this small black box thing that is supposed to electrocute them. No good.
I bought glue traps. No good.
NOTHING worked!
I got my RatZapper Ultra last week and set it up. This weekend I was like -- this isnt working either. I got up in the middle of the night and thought, what is that red light flashing. I had a dead mouse! I threw it out, happy to have it gone. Just for good measure I set it again and just came home from work and darned if it wasnt flashing AGAIN!
Thank you Rat Zapper...you saved the day!
Gary MouseKiller 08/06/2008
OMG!!!!!!!!! I never write testomonials and was a bit skeptic of all the positive reviews here (Though I should of known with so many positive reviews coming in from New York that the product was great) , but I just got my Rat Zapper classic less than 24 hours ago and already caught my first mouse!!! And the trap was right next to where I've had a sticky trap (loaded with peanut butter) sitting out for 2 weeks with no luck. I'm going to buy one for the garage soon as well. Thank you sooooooooo much. Now my 4 year old daughter isn't afraid to come downstairs to the playroom.
I am a true believer and will sing your praises from the highest mountain tops to the darkest dingiest basements of the world. Look out mice, there's a new sherriff in town!!!!
Thank you.
Christian 08/04/2008
As a born skeptic, it took me a couple of months to decide if I wanted to spend the money for a Rat Zapper. With our mild weather, out rats are a problem year round. I finally got desperate, broke down and purchased a Classic. 11 days and 10 dead rats later, I'm a true believer! (I probably would have gotten more, but on 2 of those nights, the Zapper got triggered by a couple of slugs and a cockroach) Awesome product, great instructions! Thank you!
Myron in Hawaii 07/25/2008
Good product with two problems for Hawaii. High humidity sometimes makes it arc and roaches set off the trap. The little trap is large enough to kill a mongoose (two so far). Yes, it is expensive, but will pay for itself quickly. Setting traps is no fun, neither is stepping on a sticky trap. This is a clean quick way to get the job done.
Paul Knittle 07/18/2008
with a housefull of dogs rat poison was out to the question. old fashioned wood and steel traps'v been replaced by flimsy steel things that just don't work. so i imported the zapper. seems our Melbourne rats are pretty street wise so it took a while to entice the buggars into the chamber. this only worked when we changed the dogs feeding time and baited the zapper with choice titbits like dry dog foood and choc chip biccies. tell you what though, now it's working it's brilliant - no poisons and instant painless death. delivery, by the way, was very impressive in it's speed. thanks from downunder!!
steph 07/17/2008
First of all, I want to tell you I have been using the Rat Zapper for 5 years now, with total success. I've lived in the North County of San Diego since 1981 and didn't even know we had rats, that is unitl 2003. I cleaned my garage and found a huge box of vintage clothes ripped to shreads and 2 "rat balls" that the rats had fashioned from plastic, Xmas lights and newspaper. Then they moved into our hot tub and not only chewed an 1 inch thick cable in half, but pooped and peed all over the entire engine. Then they went after the vegetables in my garden. I bought my frist zapper at The Wild Bird Center in Encinitas. The first week I was skeptical, but then, whammo!
Since then I've probably caught over 200 rats, and 60 in the last month alone. I own 3 rat zappers, and last month was killing 7-10 PER NIGHT. In June, for three days in a row, I caught a rat every 1 1/2 hours from 6:30 pm until the next morning! I kept waking up because the dog was barking, and after a while I was fascinated by the sheer numbers being killed in the zapper. I throw the dead rats in a vacant lot and the crows and hawks feast on them with relish! We even have a hawk that lives in our tree waiting for his daily rat.
What is impressive is the short amount of time it takes to kill a rat. I watched it happen! Less than a second and the animal never knows what hit them. I've seen those glue traps and I don't kow how someone who says they love animals could subject another creature to that kind of horrible death. And don't even get me started on poison, which can kill other animals if they eat them.
To those who just can't get the zapper to work, you must be patient. Rats are very, very smart, and sometimes it takes 2 weeks for them to venture inside the zapper. Sometimes I let them have two free meals, then flip the switch. Sometimes, you will kill one, and then the others avoid the trap. Wouldn't you? So, I turn it off, let 'em have another free meal, and flip the switch again. Dog food really does work the best, and even if there are ants on the food, that doesn't stop the rats.
I also keep mine outside and even though we have a fair amount of moisture, (being by the beach), it hasn't affected the performance of the zapper at all. I look for chewed plants, rat poop and try and put the zapper on a fence because they like the travel high up off the ground.
Rats are not just disease ridden monsters, they are highly intelligent creatures who are successful and adaptable animals. Think like a rat, and you'll have eventaully luck with the Rat Zapper.
Mary 07/13/2008
I purchased the rat zapper last year at our local hardware store. I was somewhat skeptical and thought it was a little pricey.
I already had Vector control out here, tried the poison, tried the old traps, tried the sticky traps and tried the humane traps with no success.
I do not have an over infestation, so when ever I hear something or see droppings, I load it up with fresh batteries and stick it out there and every time I get a catch within a day.
This is the best invention and best investment ever. Thank you.....
JWolfe in California 07/11/2008
The Rat Zapper has been performing awesome for 2 years! And today when I saw a big one in the trap I sure got a suprise.When I pulled it had a smaller one in its mouth! See the photo I attached.
Ray, OR 07/07/2008
I purchased the Rat Zapper Ultra in fall/winter '07. I knew I had mice when I saw a bunch of the droppings and could hear them at night in the kitchen. Of course, I have read, it's usually not just one mouse that is invading your property. I used snap traps, only worked about 1/8th of the time and glue boards - those should be outlawed. The mice would just "suffer" on those, it took way too long for them to die and the bucket method did not even work for a second. After investigating on the internet "how to get rid of mice" I found this device. I bought it and the first night, killed a mouse. That was after catching many others with the very inhumane traps. I was amazed and loved the fact that I did not even have to look at it. I put it up for about 6 months and heard some scratching around again, I thought "AH-HA! No you do not go reproducing in my kitchen!" and baited a lid from a pill bottle with some peanut butter and placed a piece of popcorn in it. That same night, my husband and I were sitting in the living room and heard the Rat Zapper go off. I have to admit, that was a little disturbing because the sound of "frying" lasted about an entire minute then there was a slight smell of burnt critter, but I got up and sure enough, a dead mouse! I put it out again and the next night, another dead mouse! I left if out a few more nights and have not had any more! Now I can catch them before they even think of reproducing. I find the best way to bait it is with a small lid from a coke bottle or pill bottle and peanut butter, slide it to the very back and NO MESS! Highly recommended and honestly, this is the best money I have ever spent! Thank you!
Shannon 07/05/2008
we had to leave a testimonial, in case anyone else has had to suffer through a mouse infestation and is curious about this product.
so far, we have a running tally of nine mice killed, and we're certain that there are a few which we forgot to keep track of. this product really works, and we are forever grateful!
also, the customer service person with whom we emailed (cathi) was very nice and sympathetic to our plight. thanks, cathi!
noelle and brian 07/04/2008
I purchased two units about 3 months ago after my basement and storeroom seemed to be totally infected with rodents (droppings, scratching, etc). In the past we had used poison which worked but left us with a terrible smell when the critters crawled behind the walls to die.
Almost immediately the traps began to catch their prey. We have caught appromimately a dozen rather large rats to date. The battle goes on but I feel we have the upper hand with this powerful weapon.
Dale, CA 07/03/2008
This is one of the best inventions ever and one of the best purchases I have ever made! Well worth the money. Hey, got it in five days via UPS. Set it up, put a little peanut butter in a bottle cap inside, left it overnight, and voila! It took out a skunk! Fantastic. No more crawling in my gas grill! Everyone with varmint problems should have one of these. Especially, third world countries. Oh, bye the way, you gotta add SKUNK to the list of pests it will control. Thanks a bunch RAT ZAPPER!
Greg , MA 07/02/2008
7/2/08-- I purchased the zapper at the beginning of June because the droppings were a bit much and the wall chippings were annoying and it saddened me because I have a two year old that was afraid to go into our apartment living room and would tell me she was scared. At night I would shut the bedroom door and place a towell down to try and keep them out of the bedroom and I would hear the scratching on the towel through the night. The first night I used the zapper i got a red light nothing was in it I was discouraged and ready to return it. The mouse then turned up dead in my kitchen. I have since caught three more mice and I could not be happier no more scratching no more droppings. I almost forgot I had the zapper this week until I woke up this morning and saw the light blinkig and the only thing I could say is GOTCHA!!! This product REALLYYYYYYYY WORKS!!!
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