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Anti Tikus Rat Zapper Testimonial - 5 (of 7)

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Cal-Tom 06/15/2009
tried everything and I mean everything this worked in 24 hours 1 mouse 8 weeks 4 mice thus far great awsome product and I doubt all produts way to go rat zapper you thanks again!!!!!!!

Rye 06/05/2009

I bought the rat zapper a week ago and was sceptical. The shop I bought it from said they had great success with it as their shop sells a lot of bird and chicken food. I thought I will give it a go. I have had over 20 dead mice in it so far. I also recommended it to my friend who has also bought one. The picture is of a mouse I caught that I think was trying to get material to make a nest. It has a feather in it's mouth and I can tell you I cannot get that feather out of it's mouth and that's not for trying.
Lilley Middle Swan Western Australia.

Lilley 06/04/2009
The Rat Zapper Ultra. What can I say other than AWESOME! My girlfriend and I were at the hardware store last week when I spotted this device. I was immediately intrigued, especially after seeing the logo on the side (a cartoon rat with a horrified look on his face). My girlfriend knew I had to have it, and made it an early birthday present.
I set it up in our carport, hoping to zap a rat or two. I have to admit, I had my doubts that the 4 D batteries would be enough to whack a large rat. Those doubts vanished this morning.
I had been trying to catch an annoying skunk in a Havaheart live animal trap for the last 2 weeks. He had been making my life miserable, spraying my apartment at least every other night. Night after night, he snuck into the trap, ate my sardines, and snuck out without tripping the trap. He was toying with me and the trap.
Lastnight, he attempted to toy with the Rat Zapper Ultra. This morning, Animal Control removed his cooked corpse from my property.
It was amazing! I smelled the skunk spray in the middle of the night. I immediately checked my Havaheart trap, empty and baitless. That is when I noticed a flashing red light coming from behind my car. All I could see was a large black and white bushy tail, and my new best friend, the Rat Zapper Ultra.
I thought to myself, "There is NO way this trap could have taken out a medium sized skunk." I was wrong. When the Animal Control officer inspected the scene, and I asked him if the skunk was dead, he responded "Oh...he's dead." The officer was amazed by the trap. He was not familiar with the Zapper. He is now.
I am so pleased with this product, as well as the company and its staff. I would recommend it to anyone.
Let's just say that if you're tired of getting skunked by traditional rat traps, get yourself a Rat Zapper Ultra, and uh, no pun intended.

Chris Curry 06/03/2009
Due to having poultry, caged birds and a vacant block next to me, I have been waging a war against mice for years now. Generally ended up baiting them when their numbers became unbearable. Never liked doing it - it's cruel and risky to pets and wildlife. My neighbour purchased your product on the weekend and was singing it's praises but at $100 a Zapper - I was relucant. Then she visited the next day - she was up to 6 mice in the first day, then 16 the next, so I handed over my $100.
Got one the first night. Second morning came out to discover that the buggers had filled it with sand overnight!
Outsmarted them the third night and was catching one every hour! It's brillant and now the native wildlife are not in danger of being accidently poisoned.

Vicki,Western Australia 05/31/2009
I purchased your Rat Zapper Classic last July because we were being overrun with chipmunks and squirrels. They were digging in flowerbeds and more importantly around the foundation of the house. I read many blogs and forums on how to control them and decided to give the Rat Zapper a try. From the time I received the Zapper until winter set in, I successfully diminished the chipmunk population by 9 and the squirrel population by 5. I just put the Zapper back out for the summer and in just 2 days have managed to get 2 squirrels. I didn't expect the squirrels to climb in the Zapper since it was the smaller Classic version but they did and needless to say, they didn't climb back out. The nice part was all I had to do was dump them out to dispose of them, toss in some more bait, and turn it back on. It doesn't get much simplier than that. Since I use mine outdoors, I keep it wrapped in a gallon size Ziploc bag and wrap a rubber band around it to hold the bag in place and keep any moisture out of the electrical area.

I'm so pleased with your product that I just ordered a second one to give as a gift. Thank you for such as great product!

Mel in Pennsylvania 05/17/2009
I have been seeing more and more rats outside the house and a few weeks ago I started seeing signs of rodents inside the house.

Originally, placing the Rat Zapper Classic did not work, as there were other goodies around and the device was somewhat hidden.

Last night, before activating the device I placed all the food in the fridge and closed the trash. This meant that the easiest meal to get to was in the trap, and it was along the wall so that the mouse can "see" through the other side (instead of seeing a wall, as in the past), instead of sensing a trap.

This morning the red light was blinking and I didn't have to look inside: part of the tail (~5") was sticking out. It was that big.

And the bottom line is: think like a rodent and this thing works!

Mike (West Hollywood, CA) 05/07/2009
I am very pleased that I recieved my rat zapper yesterday. I put some peanut butter in a pop lid and by morning I had a rat. I tried poison but couldn't get rid of all of them, I am very pleased. Thank you rat zapper.

Helena 05/01/2009
My elderly parents had an infestation in their car port. After we bought the rat-zapper and started using it ALL of the rats were eventually captured and zapped. The device is easy to use and especially good
for people who get queasy about the whole subject. This is bloodless, no mess. I cannot say enough good things about this product. It works EVERY TIME!

Patricia 04/22/2009

GREETINGS from the FIRST Indonesian fan of the Rat Zapper. In the photo you can see he'd ike to keep his last supper forever (a yummy KFC skin)

Total Zapped: 15 mice and rats
Record in one-day: 3 zapped

Me and family are so pleased with the Rat Zapper performance! We have never had a rat trap that is so easy to use, hassle-free and effective! And our satisfactions have even brought us the decision to partner with the manufacture & introduce Rat Zapper's to Indonesia.

Fellow zappers!! I would like to invite all of you to join in our Rat Zapper Fan Club on Facebook. The place where we can interact, throw new topics, discuss tricks&tips, upload photo and video, or, even participating in our biggest&baddest: rat contest! :) (On Facebook - search: Rat Zapper)

Come and join in; meet your fellow zappers around the world! And, of course, don't forget to tell your fellow Indonesian and the world how grateful you are to have RAT ZAPPER.

Robby 04/02/2009

This will be number 10 this year.

"They check in, but they don't check out..."

Joseph, Tucson, AZ 04/01/2009
Awesome, effective product! Buy one NOW! I initially set up the "classic rat zapper" with the pet food provided but was unlucky in capturing the rat. I tried a partially-opened Reese's peanut butter cup for the bait and zap! Was I excited about being rid of that nasty pest! I am resetting it today and if there are more of those nasty critters, they will be zapped too!


kat 04/01/2009
These traps are the best ever. The wife and I had an issue with rats making nests under our deck, where we couldn't get to them. Standard traps would be found tripped, the rats are very quick. Set out a couple of these traps and didn't see any activity for a couple weeks, it is very true that rats are completely paranoid about "anything" new (even with food in it). Once we had one rat enter a trap, the others quickly followed until there were none left. I recommend this product to everyone I know, every chance I get.

ChrisC 03/27/2009
Having a husband who has a phobia about rats, it was always a worry where they would appear after being poisoned-not a pleasant surprise to find one underfoot! The ratzapper is wonderful! even though I am the one to dispose of them, I know they have gone! No worries with it even catching mice. Thoroughly recommend it. Have used Lithium batteries.
Thank you
New Zealand

Lorraine Crooks 03/24/2009
I live next to a foothill, and my small gated community is lush with plant life, fruit trees and swimming pools. It is a farmer's market for the roof rats. They scurry all over the place at night and leave droppings everywhere. My next door neighbor felt that we could team up and win the battle. I was sqeemish about committing to rat patrol with her, but she ordered two Rat Zapper Ultra boxes. I finally put mine out after having it sit in my garage for a couple months (again, squeemish, chicken sh**). One word: UNBELIEVABLE!!! How in the world could there be so many rats?! I am becoming desensitized to the gross ritual of dumping the rat each morning (at first I contemplated by the box for 5 minutes - not a pretty sight before your morning coffee). I have caught one EVERY SINGLE NIGHT - except for two nights - since the second night I put the box out. I think the reason for those two misses is because the rats were leary the first night, and the second miss was because I needed to clean it (it was buzzing but no rat). So in nine days I have caught 1 mouse and 6 rats. FYI, I have a system. Each morning I sweep the rat droppings off the ledges where the trap is so that I know if a rat came by (when the trap is still empty). That is how I knew something was wrong with the box when I saw droppings but no rat catch - I cleaned the box.

I read where you offer a monitor station where you can set several out without checking. I just got another Ultra in the mail and if I end up emptying two boxes each morning I am going to order even more, including the montor station.

Keep up the good work - great technology!

P.S. It is true that if it buzzes when you reset it, just turn the unit off and clean it (thick damp paper towels on the end of a stick).

T in Escondido 03/20/2009
I got my Rat Zapper Ultra last August to help remedy my pack rat situation. The pack rats scour the neighborhood for anything they can carry, and hide it under MY grill. Not sure why; I guess they're bored. Anyway, this Rat Zapper Ultra is fantastic. I zapped 10 rats up until around November, when it seemed pack rat season had ended for the year. But last week (early March) it started again. I've zapped 2 in the past week.

I finally feel smarter than the pack rats..

Joseph 03/06/2009
This is the best product hands down.
I live in Houston and it has caught three roof rats for me over 2 years. I've sealed my house, called two pest companies, put out traps and still they find ways into my attic. The Rat Zapper is a terrific investment and it is saving me heartache and frustration.

I recommend it to everyone.
Thank you for an awesome product!
-Houston, TX

Dad with 2 small children 02/24/2009
It took months to finally zap a garage rat (got many mice), but it worked. I'm very pleased. Mr. Rat looked like he went on to his next life quickly.

Ratophobe 02/22/2009
I live near an open field and the rats are non-stop. My neighbor and I both have Rat Zappers and catch 3-4 per week between us. Since we don't want to use poison (which might kill other local wildlife) this method has been excellent.

At one point, the rats had found a way into the attic area above our house. The scratching was becoming irritating, We put the Rat Zapper up there, used the Rat Tail for ease of monitoring, and caught that filthy little guy in a couple of days.

No glue-no snap traps- no blood or guts. Done.

Mark V. 02/20/2009
First off the gal that I spoke to today at around 9am western time was wonderful, give that girl a raise!
Second, I just love your product. It is the best out there. Every one should know about this product that has any rodent problem. Your Rat Zap saved me, I tried everything. After returning home from being away for two years, there was a rat infestation, I tried everything, nothing worked. I found you guys on the internet, ordered your blue zapper and it has been wonderful.
I didn't need it for awhile, put it away "stupidly" without washing it. I could not get it to work with new batteries, so called and the gal I talked recomended washing first and then new batteries. I'm trying this. I recomend your product to all who are in need.
Thank you!!!

Laura 02/03/2009
One morning I found the dog's marrow bone on the floor (pushed down from table!) with a huge hole chewed in plastic bag covering it and marrow gnawed out. This was a couple of days after I'd seen what looked like a mouse scurrying across kitchen floor very late at night.

I'd seen a few "mouse droppings" in the area as well over a couple of days.

Went to OSH home store and bought some glue traps -- no success; creature walked right across them -- I could see the footprints!!! How'd THAT happen?

Got some glue boards and more traps plus a few spring traps. Also decided to spend the $$ for a Rat Zapper Ultra. Looked like a good idea.

Set it all up and waited -- one, two, three and more days/nights passed. I'd see some droppings around but that was all. Drat!

Finally one day I noted the rodent must've been gnawing on a bar of fine French soap in laundry room -- little chewed areas around the edges. I figured I'd set the Zapper nearby, using the soap shavings in a bottle cap as bait.

Next morning -- whoa!! The lovely red light was flashing in the a.m. and I braced myself for what might be inside. Well, it was a mouse of some sort -- totally stiff, no bodily fluids to clean up -- neat and easy. Dumped him into a trash bag and took at once to outdoor trash can.

I highly recommend Rat Zapper Ultra and think I'll get a second one. It's been a full week now and no more signs of activity though I still set all traps (at night only as my dog has no access to that area at night) and keep Rat Zapper "on" 24/7.

I keep hearing that if you think you have one rodent you probably have more so I am taking no chances. Three cheers for Rat Zapper! I had no luck at all until purchasing it so I highly recommend it as opposed to an exterminator and poisons.

Carol 01/06/2009
Today I got a call from a friend who hired my former pest control company to help eliminate the rats in her garage. After two weeks, he finally suggested she call me to find out what I had used since he wasn't having a whole lot of luck!!

She called the hardware store and they were out so she ordered TWO!

Rat Zapper strikes again! At this rate, pest control companies will soon be an endangered species! lol

Mary Jo, Cloverdale CA 01/05/2009
I don't remember just when I got my Zapper, but it has only been around a month. First I was catching mice.....9 so far. Then the weather turned not only wet, but cold, and the last 3 catches have been rats. I don't know what the power is kicked up to from the batteries (I have the classic), but the last rat released some of his body fluids and when I tried to reset the zapper I could hear this buzzing and see this arc from the center plate to the outer plate. Just from observing that electrical arc, I wouldn't want to try touching it myself.

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