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Around the World Testimonial - 2 (of 7)

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Rats were destroying my RV wiring. The rats were too smart. Nothing worked more than once.Then I got the Rat Zapper. I have collected one rat a day for two weeks now. Check the first rat I caught. Almost 12 inches head to tail.
It is the greatest.


Jim 05/16/2010
I had the Rat Zapper 2000 in our old house and loved it. Found that we had a real bad chipmunk problem at our new house (burrowing in garden, mulch, under structures) and picked up the new Rat Zapper. Took care of our chipmunk problem with ease. What a great piece of technology!


Andrew 05/05/2010
WOW !!!!that is all I can say.
I was a little skeptical about buying this "better mouse trap" but WOW, the first night, second day,second night,third night, fourth night and fifth night....havent seen one of these little guys in 1 month. We nicknamed it "the ZAPP Motel". Get one you will not be dissatisfied!


kenny in San Antonio 04/30/2010
I purchased a Rat Zapper 2 days ago. . . within 6 hours after purchase, it delivered results! So I went back to the store and bought another one, to allow me to cover 2 areas of mouse traffic . . . . this turned out to be a good idea, as I zapped 2 more mice today. This is a wonderful product, and the most important thing is that it is HUMANE . . . the mouse doesn't suffer at all.

I highly recommend this great product!


Steve 04/15/2010
I bought your product back last summer, well last night I had a pesky mouse in my ceiling tiles in my basement. Heard him running around having a ball, I baited the trap and finally got the red blinking light :). Bye bye pesky mouse. No more tuning in my ceiling. Thanks rat zapper

Ric 04/13/2010
We noticed a little visitor yesterday morning (Monday). On Tuesday morning our little friend was no more. This contraption is a no stress, no hassle solution to a mouse problem. Thanks Rat Zapper!

Christine 04/04/2010
I have a squirrel problem in my back yard. They dig up everything including my potted plants. After a week of setting up the Zapper and nothing was happening, I was ready to write an unfavorable testimonial - - and this morning - YEAH, I got the first one, hopefully the first of many more. NOTE: Just so I don't have to bring in the Zapper every time it rains, I wrapped it in Saran Wrap and placed on top of a tree trunk to keep it dry, and it works great.
Thank you!!!!

Ken 04/04/2010
I've told you before, and I'll tell you again: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

M 03/27/2010
Living in the country we share our environment with many creatures. I just received my order for four Classic Rat Zappers. I have tried poisons but the little varmints smelled when they stayed too close to home and died. I tried snap traps but I HATED to have to pick up the little creatures and dispose of them. I LOVE the Zapper. Once inside the Zapper they die and the light blinks letting me know it is time to pick it up and dump the little critter out and place it back. No SMELL,and no CONTACT with me. THANK YOU, this product is so easy to use and gets results FAST.

Shelly,Nashville, TN 03/21/2010

We noticed something was trying to eat our dog treats that we stored in our garage. It chewed through the lid of the dog treats (the one in the back round). I had put one of those sticky traps and didn't catch anything for about a week! Yesterday I went and bought the rat zapper ultra bait it with dog food and this is what I got within 24 hours!! Too good to be true!!
I truly believe in this product, love it, and can't say enough about it!
I will recommend this product to all of my friends who may have these friends around their homes.
This product is AWESOME and thanks for such a wonderful invention!!

John from Hawaii 03/21/2010
Nearly three years ago, we had a serious mouse problem in our partially renovated New York City apartment. The mice were brazen and I'd even see them during the day. We tried every conceivable trap--snaps, glue, catch and release, no see. Everything on the market. No luck. And I was beside myself. Then I did some Googling and immediately ordered a Ratzapper. I remember the instructions said something about having a kill the first night if you have a problem. I thought "yeah, right", but went to bed. Sure enough, our first dead mouse was in the Zapper the next morning. Kept using it until we got 'em all.

Now I have a problem at my country house. We brought the Zapper out and PRESTO a dead mouse this morning. I'm ordering two more Zappers today as I want one in the basement and another to move around as needed.

Thanks, Ratzapper; you're a sanity saver!!

Jan 03/19/2010
This is the BEST investment that you will make in rat traps!! I was skeptical in purchasing this item and instead bought those glue traps. I also hired a local pest exterminator company where they set snap traps and bait boxes. Must I say that they had never caught one rat and I paid them over $500.00 to try and catch them and get rid of my problem!! I was so disgusted with the rat problem and finally I went to a local hardware store. In the same isle where a lady was picking one up. I had asked her if it worked and she said "yes, just be patient and you will catch them".
So I decided to take her advice.......
To my surprise within that first two weeks we had caught four rats including two mice! I just recently set it up in a different area and within hours one more rat dead!
I truly believe in this product and recommend anyone who may have a rodent problem to purchase it!!
It REALLY works!!

Naomi from Hawaii 03/18/2010
In conversation with my wife at the family dinner table a couple nights ago, she mentioned that she had told a friend that I'm not very romantic. Well, that was quite a surprise to me, as technical writers are renowned lovers (along with engineers). Of course, I determined to change her perception.

First thing I did was cut for her the best rose from my garden. Sadly, I'm not romantic enough to actually fertilize, trim, or otherwise maintain the roses, so the bloom was a wilted, pathetic little thing. Nevertheless, it elicited a smile (or maybe a look of wry resignation?).

Next, I determined to dispatch the rats that so annoy her by running to and fro in front of our bedroom window. ("Not romantic"? Hah!) I found the trusty Rat Zapper in the garage, did some quick repair where a battery had leaked, cleaned the spaces between the electrified plates, and assured that it functioned by drawing a brilliant blue, buzzing, quarter-inch arc across a screwdriver. I hauled out the Skilsaw , some plywood, and some conduit clamps, and built a platform to mount the Zapper to the awning frame in front of the window. On night one, I let the little nasties steal the peanut butter bait. But on night two, I presented my loving wife with two hefty kills in rapid succession. I was as a knight presenting slain dragons to his princess! (Well, sort of a little...) What could be more romantic than that?

The best part came as I carried the first victim from the bedroom through the house to the trash. It was a big fellow, and he was somewhat visible through the stretched, translucent plastic supermarket bag in my hand. I stopped in the family room to display my trophy to my 13-year-old daughter who was busy there doing homework. "Ewwww!" she said, with obvious admiration. "May I poke it?" "Sure," said I. She reached out an index finger, and just as she jabbed at the burden in the bag, I shrieked "EEEK!" and tossed the bag at her. Hilarity ensued.

I'm not only very romantic, but I'm a really cool daddy. And, I have a really cool Rat Zapper.

Kevin 03/16/2010
This winter our home has had an unusual amount of mice, it's quite disturbing to find droppings right out in the open! We have been trying the typical poisons but with limited results. As it happens, the problem is a lot worse than I could ever have imagined. Two nights ago, much to my dismay, I saw something MUCH bigger than a mouse scurrying across our basement floor. My big dog has been sniffing around the basement but not freaking out or indicating anything was out of the norm. We pulled out the washing machine and there was a very large hole in the drywall at floor level with debris and droppings spilling from the wall.
I was mortified and embarassed. Our house is clean, we don't leave food lying around. It really makes you feel terrible. Of course we spent the entire evening and following morning pulling out the cupboards and moving appliances looking for signs of critters. We also checked outside for cracks in the mortar. Then onto the internet to do some research.
Relief flooded over me when I found your website and saw that you had a Canadian distributor. We promptly bought a Rat Zapper(last evening). Our first catch occured within 45 minutes of baiting the trap and we have already emptied it several times!
After 24 hours of using your Rat Zapper I can honestly say that every home should have one! (Anyone that thinks they don't have pests in their own home is just kidding themselves!!)
Thanks so much! I feel like I can sleep at night knowing that your prodcut is working away in the basement. We have already told all of our friends to buy a Rat Zapper.

Andrea - Hamilton ON Canada 03/14/2010
I was ashamed to tell anyone we had a rodent infestation. We would find feces in the morning in several areas of our home. As we keep our dog food in a sealed container in the garage I couldn't figure out what the "mice" were after. Finally, one night, we saw a critter scampering into our parrot's cage and eating his food. And, it wasn't a mouse, it was a rat!! Our three dogs completely ignored it. The next morning I went to OSH and purchased one of your products. I baited it with dry dog food and bird seed and set it out near the bird cage. That night I saw the red light flashing and realized it had worked. It's been a week and so far we have killed 5 rats!

Beth 03/10/2010
Our house has a wash behind it and for years rats have come up over the wall to eat our pet rabbit's food. We have tried everything imaginable. Our new rat zapper arrived 6 days ago. In those 6 days, we've gotten 7 rats. Amazing!! I just bait it with the rabbit food they were coming to get.

Mitzi 03/10/2010

Little Missy gets schooled by RatZapper!

I’ve got to add a follow-up post from my earlier note. The Ratzapper has completely eliminated the (Northern) Flying Squirrel problem we’ve been having. We’re able to sleep again at night and the peace is welcome.

The Ratzapper ended up getting 5 of these vermin over about 2 weeks. I would have never imagined there were so many. Ratzapper took care of everyone with no fuss. I did nothing in terms of fancy baiting. I added just a little dry cat food and a small amount of bird seed and that’s all that was needed. I never had any gruesome messes to clean up - the Ratzapper is a model of efficiency. I’m absolutely stunned by its performance and would strongly recommend it to others.

I’m still on my original set of batteries and the device has been on duty in a very cold attic. The system still charges up almost instantly.

My heartiest thanks to Ratzapper’s inventor !!

Thom 03/08/2010
1 Rat Zapper
1 tiny tray of Skippy peanut butter
1 night
1 dead rat

Who could ask for more?

Robert Gould 03/05/2010
The Rat Zapper is a great product. When I get a mouse problem, I'll get one a night. And then they are gone. I feel bad for the mice when I used other methods, but this is a humane product. Definitely recommend it.

B.L. 03/04/2010
We had a rat in our garage going after our dog food bag. Tried traditional snap-trap, but unsuccessful.
Then, I set the Rat Zapper and FORGOT about it. After a week, I thought, ohh, well, a bad investment....BUT, this morning, I went into the garage to get dog food and noticed the blinking light. I disposed of the rat (didn't have to even touch it) and put some more dog food at the end of the Rat Zapper to catch any others roaming our garage.
Safe for our dogs! Safe for our kids! And probably the most humane way of getting rid of rats!

Paul 02/28/2010
I thought I only had one rat in my garage but have been putting ratzapper out for the last three days and have had a rat in there every morning when i check it.This is the best investment I have made in awhile thank gad for the rat zapper.

T.H 02/28/2010
I have nothing but positives to say about the newest Infrared Rat Zapper Ultra. My situation involved having numerous rodents (10) in my attic. The adult male & female came in from one of my citrus trees where the branch hung over my roof.

The head count that the Rat Zapper was successfull in killing included an adult female & male along with 8 young rodents. I did not relaize that a rat litter can yield on average between 8-12 young rats. It only took 11 days for me to kill the entire 10 rodents. There were NO false kills (meaning the red kill light came on but the bait was gone & no dead rodent inside). Great product. Very easy to dispose of the dead rodent.

Rob 02/27/2010
I had been inundated with squirrels, they were eating all my young plants and digging up planted bulbs in my vegetable garden. I was a little apprehensive when I saw the zapper advertised, but having tried all other tricks to be rid of them, thought I would give your product a chance. I have now had the zapper for about 5 - 6 weeks and to date have zapped 10. I am very pleased with it and can wholly recommend it.

The method I am using the zapper is, I set it up with squirrel food, place it back in it's box with the end open and place it on the shelf under my potting table in a seed tray. It is now out of all weathers, has not needed cleaning yet and I am extremely happy with it. By the way, the hawks are now well fed where I live.

Ken Budden 02/21/2010
It works!

It took me a few weeks to figure out a location because nothing was taking the bait. Finally figured it should be near the trashcan. The first time I turned it on the light was flashing the next morning, but no rodent. Turned out later that something had dragged it out of the trap!

Next night (yesterday) turned it on again and got another rat, this one was left in the trap.

Thank you, Ratzapper!

RickB 02/19/2010
Hey this is a grreat product,easy to set up and run.We live on the farm and as you know the mice are around.Got 2 products and all ready caught 7 mice(not bad for 1 day)can't say enough good stuff.Buy and you will not be dissappointed.

Tom 02/15/2010
I never wrote a testimonial before for any product, but then, I never had a rat problem before, either. One rat. Living in our house for probably a month or so. First we thought it was a mouse and put out small traps. They were ignored or snapped and empty. So I bought bigger traps, for a rat.
We heard them snap, but caught nothing. Then the creepy little critter started showing itself, coming out at 4 am to scratch around, wake and mock us, scampering across the curtain rods, clattering down the blinds, streaking across the kitchen floor, dumping poop, and yes, this was definitely a rat and it called for stronger ammunition. Didn't want poisons around the house, and forty bucks seemed a bit much for a better mousetrap, but in the store several unsolicited shoppers came up to me and told me I was on the right track with the Rat Zapper. This made me feel better. At least I wasn't the only one around here with a rat problem. So we bleached all around the areas where it semed like the rat might be hiding or stashing food, covered all the dog food and water and tried to reduce the rat's possibilities down to a a small trail of crumbs leading to a couple of pieces of dog food in the Rat Zapper, and set it out. You're not supposed to turn it on the first night, but I did, I couldn't wait. That night, on schedule, the rat came out and looked around in all it's regular places for food and finding none, went for the trap, grabbed some food from the front, made a spine-chilling racket scratching around the Rat Zapper and disappeared. Second night, I added a piece of tile propped on top of the Rat Zapper to weight it down so it won't move when the rat climbs in. Put the weighted, baited Rat Zapper on. No one could sleep all night, we were so creeped out, so we quietly waited, 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, it's starting to get light out, but no rat appeared. Did it leave? Did it get zappped the first night and only wounded, crawling off to die and stink up the house more? Third night, pretty much at wit's end with this cagey rat outsmarting us at every turn, weighted and baited Rat Zapper still on, bait now only in the back past the metal contact. We're all watching TV upstairs and the dog perks up. Our starving rat has come out early, around 7 pm. The dog stares at the Rat Zapper. No one breathes. Then, bzzzzttt, no clatter, no fuss, no mess, no more rat. It took a while to outsmart that filthy rodent, but that was human error. If I knew then what I know now, I would have bought the Rat Zapper first. All in all, among the best forty bucks I ever spent, and it's a gift that keeps giving -- just leave it on like us, in case any more unwelcome friends show up.

Happy Customer 02/08/2010
We had a very clever rat that was keeping my 84-year old Mother from getting any sleep. (No matter what she did, the little S.O.B. always managed to get into her room and annoy her!)

We tried conventional ("classic" spring-type) traps, and the "sticky" glue-traps - he was taking the bait, and leaving his foot-prints to let us know he was still out-smarting us.

A friend told me about "electric mouse-traps," and how well they work, so I bought an Infrared Rat Zapper Ultra, and followed the instructions. (They say that "rats are wary little creatures," and may not get caught immediately, but "to be patient.")

Our 'Ultra' caught a big fat rat in approximately 48 hours. Pepperidge Farm Milanos work great as bait! I'm going to buy one for our garage in the near future.

Dave Hildebrand 02/03/2010
Rat Zapper Ultra works great.
Our home is adjacent to a conservation area in Kaneohe Hawaii. When it rains, Rats find their way to our home, and have founs a way to enter it. Heard about RatZapper on the Mike Buck radio show. Purchased first unit December 30, 2009, at AirGas/Gaspro Hawaii. Thus far it has exterminated 4, good sized Rats. Takes a few days before the Rats feel confident to enter the Zapper.
I placed a small piece of Cheese on a small piece of waxed paper as bait, and slid it all the way to the front of the unit.
Our Rats like cheese. Have not yet found how they get in the house. We are going to purchase another ULTRA RatZapper as added insurance. Aloha from Hawaii.

M. N. Daniels 02/02/2010
The mice might have won a lot of battles (okay all of them) but I won the WAR!!! I live in New York City on the 9th floor and for the last past 2 months I have been terrorized by 2 mice, and terrorized it the word We tried poison, sticky traps, homemade devices everything that I could find on internet and nothing. Our mice are smart, and definitely not afraid of me. They were walking around the house during the day ignoring the light and the noise and the fact that we were there. I got the Rat Zipper yesterday and I was not very excited about it and did not get too excited when I woke up this morning and saw the red light blinking. But you should have seen my excitement when I saw one of them dead in the zapper. YEEEYYYYYY. One day one mice!!!! Love this machine and I would recommend it to anyone!!! One down- one more to go :)

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